Cohabitation/Near occasion of sin

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Did I say it was easy? All I said was that it was and is possible.
Did I say it was easy? All I said was that it was and is possible.
So now you’re saying it’s hard for a dating couple to live under the same roof and keep from ending up in the same bed together? that’s my whole point.
But it isn’t obvious, it is a stereotype. And I am not talking about theory either, I am talking about reality and experience.
Again two young people romantically dating and living together “to save money” are most likely going to end up in bed together. It may be different for older folks who have had sexual experiences in the past and now are forming new relationships. Sexual drive for people in their 40s is much different for people in their 20s and 30s, especially in a culture where people are sexually worn out before they decide to tie the knot…
So now you’re saying it’s hard for a dating couple to live under the same roof and keep from ending up in the same bed together? that’s my whole point.
Hormones take over between two people who are attracted to one another. If they are going to live together in the same apartment, they will end up in the same bed together. Loves who live together sleep together.
(emphasis mine)

No, as I showed above, you originally stated that it would happen, not that it usually happened. That was what I was arguing against, the absolute statement that it would always happen.
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You said it would not be easy.

A few generations ago the idea of a dating couple living together was a scandal, because of the obvious. What’s more, those who think they are above temptation will only be humbled when they are truly tested.

If you’re talking about people starting a new relationship with someone after they’ve been sexually worn out in prior relationships or lifestyles, I guess that could be argued. But a normal average young lady and young man living together will find the hormones and feelings all too powerful.
It may be different for older folks who have had sexual experiences in the past and now are forming new relationships.
What makes you think that “older folks” don’t get just as lustful as those who are younger? It’s usually not a matter of lack of desire but sometimes there is a lack of ability related to age. But again, there are no absolutes.
I said it would not be easy, but it would be possible. You said it would not be possible. So now we have the positions noted. Next?
It’s basic biology; hormones and sex drive are much more overwhelming between certain ages; older folks sex drive and vitality is not the same as when hey we’re younger.
Think about the sex drive like the polar opposites on a magnet; they are naturally drawn together, and when they get close enough they snap together.
older folks sex drive and vitality is not the same as when hey we’re younger.
Again with the absolutes. Trust me, drive doesn’t always diminish even in extreme age. Vitality (or ability) doesn’t always diminish either, but it is more likely to.
Yes it is possible; 0.02% . Yes, it is even possible for you to never commit another sin again, but highly unlikely, especially if you are living in the midst of occasions of sin.
The double-talk and rationalization about “saving money” as an excuse to put one’s self in an occasion of sin is simply following the machinations and suggestions of the devil…
Yes it is possible; 0.02%
You repeat this number again without reference or foundation. Now I want reliable sources. But the main thing is that we now agree so we can stop this conversation (at least after you provide that reliable source).
rationalization about “saving money”
You are the only one who mentioned “saving money” in this context. There are more reasons that that for cohabiting.
The source is the Bible. It was Jesus who said “ The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”.

Understand that If you put yourself in an occasion of sin the devil will have a field day with you. No one is above temptation, especially those who claim to be above temptation. And what is that promise—-the one that people make after a good confession, that thing about promising to avoid the near occasions of sin?

Instead of trying to win an argument, admit that temptation affects us all, thus the need to avoid the near occasions of sin. I suppose there are extreme unique situations where two romantically involved unmarried people have to live under the same roof, but those are the exception, and in the end they too end up in bed together.

For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.-Galatians 5:17

For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. Romans 7:19-21
The source is the Bible
Okay, Book, Chapter, and Verse where that figure is mentioned in context. Otherwise I will assume you made it up and it can be summarily dismissed.
Instead of trying to win an argument, admit that temptation affects us all,
I never denied that we are all affected by temptation. Why is it so hard for you to admit that sometimes people can resist it?
I suppose there are extreme unique situations
That’s the issue right there as I see it. You are supposing. And I can tell you from observation and experience over a relatively long life (I was alive during the Eisenhower presidency to provide a reference) that such a situation is not as extreme or unique as you claim.
Again, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Let me ask you, do you think that romantically involved young people full of raging hormones living under the same room does not pose an occasion of sin?
Yes, it is possible; many things are possible; it’s possible for you to go to the moon. it’s even possible for you to make promise to never lose your temper again, but it’s one thing to make intellectual promises, it’s a different story when the test arrives and one has human nature to deal with.
Let me ask you, do you think that romantically involved young people full of raging hormones living under the same room does not pose an occasion of sin?
I think you already know the answer to that question. Hint: I never denied and even outright stated that resisting temptation is not always an easy thing. So now let me ask you something: Do you think it is possible (forget the made up 0.02% number and just answer possible or not possible) for two people with raging hormones living under the same roof who are faithful and devout to resist giving in to that temptation before marriage?
Need to share living quarters? Can’t people find a roommate? Why does it have to be the fiancee?

Our moral sense is muddled in the present day.
Just imagine a former decade - the 1940s, 1840s, really anytime before the breakdown of traditional morality in the 1960s / 1970s. Would it have been considered cohabitation (and sinful) then? The assumption would be that the couple is sleeping together, otherwise why would they (especially the woman) be stupid enough to ruin their / her reputation otherwise? And why would she be stupid enough to risk an out-of-wedlock birth?
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Can’t people find a roommate? Why does it have to be the fiancee?
There are as many answers to that question as there are pairs of people, whether romantically involved or not.
And why would she be stupid enough to risk an out-of-wedlock birth?
There were plenty of out of wedlock births throughout the entire 1840 - 1940 period and I would hazard a guess that the majority of them were to people who were not living with the other parent.

I just find the whole idea of making assumptions about other people’s living arrangements tiresome at best. I try to follow the MYOB rule and leave other people’s sins for them and God to work out without my butting in.
Do you think it is possible (forget the made up 0.02% number and just answer possible or not possible) for two people with raging hormones living under the same roof who are faithful and devout to resist giving in to that temptation before marriage?
Faithful and devout but living in an occasion of sin? That doesn’t sound like faithful and devout, unless there is a very good reason and no other way. Is it possible? sure, but not likely. Again, the spirit is willing but the flesh is certainly weak.

Can a woman control her hormones when she is going through premenstrual syndrome? Hormones are hormones. Let’s be clear, we are talking about two people romantically involved living under the same roof. I’m sure it is possible for a period of time, but when that hunger arises, the special twinkle is in the eyes, and the moon and and stars are just right, and the two are twiterpated, then all bets are off…

. Is it possible? sure, but not likely
And that is all I ever claimed. The rest is just window dressing and assumption and stereotyping and I have no more time for it. And I don’t go to old Disney features for my education in interpersonal relationships.
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