As too your original question…
- Serial cohabitation is associated with greater risk for divorce. Cohabiting with more than just your future spouse is linked to poorer marital outcomes.
- Cohabiting with your eventual mate before having clear, mutual plans for marriage correlates to lower marital satisfaction and higher divorce risk. Couples who currently live together and have clear plans for marriage have stronger relationships.
- Cohabiting without a mutual and clear intention to marry is on the rise. Unmarried, cohabiting women have greater rates of unplanned pregnancies than married women.
- Living together often creates constraints that make it harder to break up. Yet, the kind of dedication most strongly associated with happy, strong relationships levels off.
Table 1
Brief Review of Major Findings Related to the Cohabitation Effect
Major Finding
Higher numbers of premarital cohabitation partners are associated with risk for
reported by Popenoe & Whitehead,
Cohabitation with more partners and /or for longer period
s prior to marriage isassociated with a reduction, over time, in esteem for marriage and childrearing.
Axinn & Barber, 1997; McGinnis,
Sliding vs. Deciding
Relationship Quality
Premarital cohabitation is associated with more negative communication in
marriage, both on objective coding of couple interaction and self esteem.
Cohan &
Kleinbaum, 2002; Kline et
al., 2004; Stanley et al., 2004;
Thomson & Colella, 1992
Premarital cohabitation is associated with lower levels of marital satisfaction.
Brown, 2004; Brown & Booth, 1996;
Nock, 1995; Stafford et al., 2004;
Stanley et al., 2004
Premarital cohabitation is associated with higher perceived marital instability.
Kamp Dush et al., 2003; Stafford et
al., 2004; Thomas & Colella, 1992
Premarital cohabitation is associated with greater likelihood of marital domestic
idge & Halli, 2000; Kline et
al., 2004; Stanley et al., 2004
Divorce is more likely among those who cohabited premaritally than those who
did not cohabit, especially those who cohabit with more than one partner prior to
marriage (Teachman) and n
Hispanic, white women (Philips & Sweeney).
DeMaris & Rao, 1992; Kamp Dush
et al., 2003; Philips & Sweeney,
2005; Teachman, 2003
Personal Vulnerabilities
Sliding vs. Deciding
Premarital cohabitation is associated with higher levels of depression and lower levels of self-
esteem, as well as lower life satisfaction.
Stafford et al., 2004
Premarital cohabitation is associated with lo
wer levels of dedication to one’s
spouse for men but not for women.
Stanley, & Markman,
in press;
Stanley et al., 2004