One question to you: Are you a parent who has school aged children currently, or who have been through school and are now adults?
If you are, you have an idea about what Peeps has said.
If you aren’t, then with respect, a person who has no experience with the situation in this particular instance, that of being the parent of children in schools then you don’t have a horse in this race.
I have a brother who has had no children. He, of course, is the perfect parent whose advice is always correct with regard to how a parent should act, how children should behave, etc, because he is all theory and no practice. He is the first to criticize any parent or any child who goes against what he believes ‘should be’ because he has no experience of anything but what he is told is ‘correct’, and so he has absolutely no understanding of, or sympathy for, anything which contradicts his totally ‘theoretical’ views.
These are the armchair parents who (hopefully without realizing it) are among the main reasons that society is so clueless and why ‘experts’ can foist constant reams of totally contradictory ‘advice’ which has ended up with most parents (and most of us are responsible and loving parents) being bombarded with ‘guilting’ over how, had we simply ‘done X” or ‘been open to Y”, we would have had perfect children instead of the ‘monsters’ which 20th century parents have raised (totally against society, of course) based on our ignorance, apathy, and either blind holding to hoary traditions OR blind acceptance of new ideas —which of course turned out to be wrong and which we should have foreseen were wrong and rejected, blah blah blah.
And THAT is what Peeps and others mean by school and society ‘vs’ parents.
No matter if parents are liberal or conservative, authoritarian or adaptive, religious or non religious, helicopter or ‘free range’, we are not perfect and our children are not perfect, so there will always be an incident or a situation where we can be made into the ‘fault’. If our children do something wrong they will be vilified based on socioeconomics or whatever the ‘ruling elite’ of the city, state, or feds deem ‘wrong’, but if they’re lucky enough to be a protected class then only the PARENTS will be faulted.
Look I’m not saying that this never happened prior to the 1980s or so. But in the last 4 decades society itself has done a U turn regarding its expectations and this has resulted in a much wider base of ‘guilting’, many more entitled children, a much weaker family, and untold misery. . .with very little in the way of building family strengths or all the many many things we are told through the schools and other experts should be the benefits of following whatever the policy du jour or the latest experiment or adjustment is supposed to be.