Hey all,
I’m looking more for ideas outside of a specific religion, and I’m not looking for proofs. Just what may have gotten you thinking about it.
I am intrigued by your request to know why believers believe in God. To completely honor your request would result in a post much longer than any I have seen so far, but I will offer three experiences that got me “thinking about it”.
- I married a young lady 51 years ago, who epitomized the efficacy and value of faith in God. Her elegant demeanor, radiant beauty both external and internal, deep morals, and *joie de vivre *transcended the very difficult set of circumstances she had recently lived through. Her father had left the family in poverty six years earlier, and her mother died at the age of 42, at home, in an agonizing death from cancer, a month before we first dated. Throughout the ordeal, she maintained her dignity, while holding the family together, while raising her two youngest brothers. I realized what gave her the strength to deal with life was her unquestioning belief in God and spiritual comfort she found in the Catholic Church. I was a nominal Catholic when we married , but quickly became a practicing Catholic and have been one ever since. Although my faith grew with each passing year, I still wondered about God.
- My wondering led me, about forty years ago, to the writing of Teilhard de Chardin. The following passage from *The Phenomenon of Man *precipitated a personal quest to find the meaning of life, a life based on a belief in God:
“It is impossible to deny that, deep within ourselves, an ‘interior’ appears at the heart of beings, as it were seen through a rent. This is enough to ensure that, in one degree or another, this ‘interior’ should obtrude itself as existing everywhere in nature from all time. Since, the stuff of the universe has an inner aspect at one point of itself, there is necessarily a double aspect to its structure, that is to say in every region of space and time – in the same way, for instance, as it is granular – co-extensive with their
Without, there is a
Within to things”
I decided that to find the meaning of life, I would have to first understand what Teilhard meant by the within/without and how such a thing could be explained physically. Teilhard is criticized by many Catholics for his views on evolution, but I think in that regard he is misunderstood and that is a shame because he is one of the great advocates of the existence of a spiritual aspect of reality.
- Fourteen years ago, when I retired after a 35-year career as an engineer in the semiconductor industry, I intensified my quest and began to develop thoughts that led to a possible explanation for Teilhard’s view and consequently to a possible way in which God might exist as the within not only of our being, but of the entire universe.
In the course of my quest, I recalled an incident from my distant pass, an event that remained in my psyche because of the intense feeling that it evoked at the time. Here it is:
“As a boy, I often slept outdoors on warm summer nights. On those perfect nights when the sky was dark and clear and you could see the Milky Way, I would gaze for hours at the stars. My eyes were sharp then and able to resolve the tiniest p(name removed by moderator)oint of light. Usually I saw the sky as the ancients saw itas a vast light-speckled dome hovering above the Earth, but one night, as I lay in the warm grass scanning a small patch of sky, my focus came to rest on a very dim star. I quivered in subtle awe as my mind contemplated the immense distance to that star. Then my gaze slipped into an adjacent patch of blackness and I quivered with deeper awe. I did not realize it at the time, but in that brief moment, the infinite and the eternal reached down from that black hole of nothingness and touched my soul.
A lifetime has passed since that wonder-inducing moment. Since then, I marveled at the fragile beauty of a butterfly drinking nectar from a purple Buddleia. I watched the seed of a daylily sprout, grow into a tender shoot, and become a thing of beauty. I comforted a sobbing child in the stillness of a dark night. I solved a differential equation. I thrilled to the music of La Boheme. I gazed across the great prairie of the American heartland. I watched the graceful trajectory of a baseball leaving the cool light of the stadium into the warm darkness of a summer night. I experienced awe and ennui, joy and despair, peace and anxiety. I traveled a journey filled with countless emotions. I observed and felt these and a thousand other things, but most of all, I wondered: could God’s hand be in all of this or is life nothing more than a silly statistical accident? I wondered about many specific things, about deep things, about shallow things; but what I wondered most about was the mystery of God and the meaning of life. Finding the meaning of life became my quest.”
After much thought about that incident, I decided that what I was looking at when I peered into the infinite nothingness was, the thing that caused the deep, even frightening awe, was God.
I hope you all have a life as wonder-filled as mine.