Concerning the Charismatic Movement

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First, I would like to know what the world-wide structure of the movement is as approved by JPII.

And second, what is the structure in the United States.

Any other information would also be appreciated.

I suspect that there is much less structure than you are looking for.

For more information, check out Steubenvile.
Speaking of Steubenville…

Dr Scott Hanh said, and personally I agree, that there is a place in the Catholic Church for the charismatic movement… but too often the charismatic movement thinks there is a place in the movement for the Catholic Church.
The seeming lack of structure leads me to ask about the leadership. Who are the people responsible for the movement, both worldwide and in the US?

I have a few more questions from friends who are curious about this movement:

Could it be that in the US there is no real structure or leadership for this movement? Is it really a movement?

Are there priests who are trained to lead these prayer groups and keep them faithful to what the Church teaches?

Or is every charismatic prayer group like an island unto it’s own, always doing it’s own thing, so to speak?

Speaking of Steubenville…

Dr Scott Hanh said, and personally I agree, that there is a place in the Catholic Church for the charismatic movement… but too often the charismatic movement thinks there is a place in the movement for the Catholic Church.
This is interesting. Can someone direct me to where Dr. Hahn says this, please?

1 Maria:
I have a few more questions from friends who are curious about this movement:

Could it be that in the US there is no real structure or leadership for this movement? Is it really a movement?

Are there priests who are trained to lead these prayer groups and keep them faithful to what the Church teaches?

Or is every charismatic prayer group like an island unto it’s own, always doing it’s own thing, so to speak?

There are of course a variety of groups who call themselves Charismatic.

However, each diocese has a liaison, appointed by the Ordinary, who oversees all valid Catholic Charismatic groups in that diocese. There are also various local boards and a national board which coordinate the activities of these groups.

It’s been several years since I was actively involved; so I don’t have details. Most things seem to be handled by suggestion and consensus. Groups which push the envelope usually don’t remain Catholic very long.
The Charismatic movement has the same organizational structure as does the Marian movement and the Eucharistic Adoration movement.

Put simply, a movement isn’t an organization. Its a form of spirituality.

It is sad that some who claim to be charismatic view the spirituality as more important then the church itself. All true charismatics know the movement gets its power from the magisterium and the sacraments, and its power’s sole purpose is to move its members closer to the magisterium and the sacraments.

On a side note, my Archdiocese (Portland, Oregon) has a leiason for the charismatic movement in the diocese. He is a priest with much experience and training in the movement, and any official charismatic event or prayer group in the diocese must first be approved by him. So in that regards, members of the charismatic spirituality have set up a structure and organization to help maintain fidelty to the hierarchy of the church.

As always, any event (prayer group, retreat, or othewise), sponsored as “Catholic” must answer to the bishop of the diocese it takes place in, whether it is charismatic, praying the rosary, holding benediction, or mass. It all must conform to the norms and teachings of the church.

On a side note, my Archdiocese (Portland, Oregon) has a leiason for the charismatic movement in the diocese. He is a priest with much experience and training in the movement, and any official charismatic event or prayer group in the diocese must first be approved by him. So in that regards, members of the charismatic spirituality have set up a structure and organization to help maintain fidelty to the hierarchy of the church.

As always, any event (prayer group, retreat, or othewise), sponsored as “Catholic” must answer to the bishop of the diocese it takes place in, whether it is charismatic, praying the rosary, holding benediction, or mass. It all must conform to the norms and teachings of the church.

Josh, who is this priest? He sounds like he takes his responsibilities seriously. I hope his Bishop is like that, too.

1 Maria:
Josh, who is this priest? He sounds like he takes his responsibilities seriously. I hope his Bishop is like that, too.

It sounds like Father Thomas Bill, from the University of Portland. He is Holy Cross. That is, assuming he hasn’t died. He looked somewhat frail when I last saw him, a few years ago.
Greetings Church

Wow, quite an amazing thread, given the history and information that has been posted and available.

The Charismatic Renewal has been a valid movement in the Church since the 1960s. It is well documented and endorsed by the Holy Father and Holy Mother Church. As far as I am aware, each Diocece has a Liaison for the Renewal, appointed by the Bishop.
This person oversees the Prayer Groups in the Diocese and each one, to my knowledge is a Charismatic.

If you all, think you are concerned, please believe that Holy Mother Church concerns herself, more. There are no problems, besides the ones folks seem to make for the Church. Why not allow the Holy Father and the Holy Spirit to guide the Church and just live by faith. There are real problems out there that need your prayers. Pray, Pray, Pray.
Then let the Holy Spirit move.
It sounds like Father Thomas Bill, from the University of Portland. He is Holy Cross. That is, assuming he hasn’t died. He looked somewhat frail when I last saw him, a few years ago.
Indeed it is Fr. Tom Bill, CSC. And he is quite alive and kicking. I see him usually once a week here at “Oregon’s [somewhat] Catholic University.”

He’s a very good man, with lots of experience in the movement, and much devotion to the church.

1 Maria:
I’m no longer computerless and I’d like to share this link I got from my Pastor:

Charismatics Urged to Promote Eucharist as Bond of Unity

Pope Sends Message to Catholic Fraternity

1 Maria
Maria, Thanks for this link…very interesting:hmmm: Our newly formed Rosary/Prayer group had just decided to have Eucharistic Adoration…we are still evolving…just letting the Holy Spirit lead for now! God Bless, Annunciata:)
The Charismatic Renewal is more a form of spirituality than an organization, but there are administrative heads and some generalized structures in place which assist us with staying as connected as we can with the Pope and the Magisterium. We teach no new doctrines and our goal is always to bring people closer to the Truth of the Catholic faith.

Basically, the Catholic Charismatics have various ways of fitting in with the Faith. First, they can meet as prayer groups, often but not always connected to a parish or religious house. There is an international office that oversees many of these groups. see this link: Click on the British flag for a link to many different pages of info, including statutes, an explanation of how they are connected to the Holy See, a history of the group, etc. Some of these groups give retreats, run outreach ministries, etc. Also, it’s fun to browse through their page of links on the iccrs site.

One of the more famous leaders of this side of the renewal is Ralph Martin , see this link

Second, Catholic Charismatics can opt to make make covenant or underway covenant vows to one of the nearly 200 Covenant Communities worldwide. These communities belong to the Catholic Fraternity of the Charismatic Covenant Community and Fellowships (International). There are procedures in place to make certain that said communities operate within certain guidelines and their teachings remain solid and doctrinally sound. I belong to one of the founding communities of this group. here’s our home link, which is under contruction as we update it. Also try

The Confraternity just met a few weeks ago in Fiuggi. The link below will take you to more info than you might have wanted to know, including statues, links to various communities, how to join, etc etc.The Catholic Fraternity link:

Third, they can just be people who pray with more, opr at least a different, passion and fervor than your average Joe and Jane Catholic. We charismatics tend to like to sing, we often raise out hands in the air in praise, and we try hard to exercise and develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

I hope this has answered at least some of your questions. Follow the links, see what you think, and feel free to ask more! 😛
Dear Maria, The Holy Spirit has an outpouring throughout the centuries in waves when people are open to Him. I see the renewal as a continuation of Pentecost. There are encyclicals by the Pope on the Vatican site.I think you might also look this up on the net under National Charismatic Conference.The Holy Spirit brought me back to the Church, Jesus heals me and the renewal helps me stay in the church gladly. S.
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