Phil:I can’t help but to mention this, as an outsider it all seems somewhat odd too me. Since my interaction with folks here, I have heard alot about the infailibily of the pope. However based on some of the stuff I have being seeing, i get that folks will disagree with the infallibility of a later pope in order to hang on to the infalliblity of an earlier pope? Maybe I am just missunderstanding, but please correct me if I am wrong.
The first thing is that the Infallability of the Pope is a very narrowly defined doctrine. Did you know that only one Pope has ever involked it? And that was in declaring the Immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
Vatican II changed the relationship of the pope to the various Bishops of the Church and their National Councils, so that those Bishops and National Councils now have more autonomy than they had before Vatican I, and maybe even Trent. Most of the complaints (e.g., the Novus Ordo Mass in vernacular) are about things done by these Bishops and National Councils, often contrary to the Pope’s “suggestions”.
Then, you have some who are “Old Catholics” in the mold of Cardinal Leffevre (spelling?) who believe that the Pope’s “Seat” is not “Vacant”, and that Pope John Paul II is not the rightful Pope. I understand them, but I don’t agree with them.
Regarding the Catechism; it must be regarded as accurately representing the Catholic Faith unless it directly contradicts a clear teaching of Scripture or of an Ecumentical Council. I’ve not heard anyone quote Sacred Scripture or a Council document in context which directly contradicts the Catechism. What I have seen is that most “Liberals” avoid using it because it describes the Faith too plainly and completely.
It is my belief that more people will be brought into the Church by our love for each other, for our fellow Christians undergoing persecution in the World today and for the people in our communities, than they will through any dogmatic proclaimation that the Roman Catholic Church is the One True Church as instituted by Christ.
I believe your questions are of the type best answered by prayer in front of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. You may want to see if your local parish priest would allow you to spend some time there.
In Him, Michael