Make sure you’re really committing a sin before accusing yourself of it. Recognize that we will always be tempted, and the temptation itself is not a sin. Our reaction is sin or virtue.…What happened today prompted me to ask this question. I committed a venial sin and the thing is that it happened more or less automatically, out of habit, and before I knew it I had already done it. I immediately asked for forgiveness and did so again at Mass before I received Holy Communion. I think it’s forgiven but should I still bring it up at my next confession? …
It’s summer right now and I’d wager that the majority of young, attractive women where I live are showing too much skin. My eyes are naturally (due to a biological impulse to breed) and spiritually (due to my weak nature and the tricks of the devil) drawn to those bodies. At that point, I’ve committed no sin. As soon as I realize what I’m doing, do I avert my eyes and possibly say a short prayer (Immaculate Mary, pray for me), or do I let my eyes linger? One of those is a sin, the other isn’t. The automatic, habitual glance is nature and by itself is neither sinful nor virtuous.
I recently returned to the Church after several years away. Part of the reason that I left in the first place was an incorrect way of looking at my sin. If I happened to glance at an attractive woman (or felt pride or arrogance seeping in, among a thousand other examples), I automatically felt as if I had sinned. I didn’t recognize them as temptations, so I failed to ask God for help overcoming them. Over time, I was just defeated by my sin- I gave up because I failed to recognize temptation for what it was.