<<<I don’t think the renewal will come before we take confession out of the proverbial closet and put it front in center of the sacramental life of the Church. Once a week confession for 30 to 45 minutes for the average parish is just plain insufficient. Deemphasizing this beautiful sacrament has deemphasized the truth of sin in Catholic parish life. If people see that confession does not seem to be a priority they will assign it to just things done before VII. This has been a true tragedy that now everyone seems to go to receive communion (despite what state they might be in) and very few avail themselves of confession.>>>
I couldn’t agree with you more. It has finally dawned on me that the reason confession is not that people are not interested, it is because the modern church has downplayed it to the point that no one thinks it is important…I never hear anything about it from the pulpit, or any other place, for that matter.
**I, for one, cannot make it to Saturday evening Mass or confession…I am usually busy with my family (grandkids, mostly), and I just don’t think I should have to make an appointment for it…The sacrament needs to be more readily available. It would be wonderful if we had the Sacrament of Reconciliation available before each Mass…Then I think you would see more people availing themselves of it. **
I couldn’t agree with you more. It has finally dawned on me that the reason confession is not that people are not interested, it is because the modern church has downplayed it to the point that no one thinks it is important…I never hear anything about it from the pulpit, or any other place, for that matter.
**I, for one, cannot make it to Saturday evening Mass or confession…I am usually busy with my family (grandkids, mostly), and I just don’t think I should have to make an appointment for it…The sacrament needs to be more readily available. It would be wonderful if we had the Sacrament of Reconciliation available before each Mass…Then I think you would see more people availing themselves of it. **