Confession before mass or only on Saturday night

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In my parish, we have confessions on Sat. afternoon from 3:30-4, and mass at 5 P.M. or by appointments. I have some disagreement with confessions after mass. The thing is that, confessions should be heard before mass because, people should have free of sin before receiving the Eucharist. Also, sometimes, I have trouble with confession during mass. I mean, I don’t mind but, it should be before mass but, if people are still waiting to confess, they can continue until the beginning of the 1st reading. Anyway, that’s my opinion. I believe that, there should be confession every week, not every other week.
None of the above.

We have confession Wed evenings for an hour.

I am spending some time in Venezuela and the parish here has Confession for an hour before every Mass, seven days a week.
For years I attended a parish that only had confessions from 4:00 to 4:45 on Saturdays. Recently, I moved and now attend the Parish of St. John the Evangelist in Edmonton Alberta. There is confession before every Mass - daily as well as on Saturday and Sunday and perpetual Adoration as well.

God bless our Pastor
we have one priest, 5 weekend Masses with barely enough time to clear the parking lot between Masses. Confession begins an hour before the vigil Mass, when people have been left waiting he always announces that he will remain after Mass to hear confessions. He has tried several times in the 10 years he has been here to open up other times, before and after evening & Saturday CCD classes for students and parents, after the last Mass, before the early Mass, and nobody takes advantage of it. He is a strenuous and authentic preacher on the need for confession, but seems to have given up on convincing enough people. He has told me he needs the few minutes between Masses to prepare spiritually and recuperate physically for the next Mass.
Holy Trinity in Goldendale WA has confession before EVERY mass - even daily mass.
So ya’ll come visit us anytime. 😉
At my parish, we have Confession AFTER the Saturday morning Mass only. There are three priests there and all they can offer is once a week for 20 minutes (although officially they say it’s for an hour). I say 20 minutes because once I tried to go to Confession at that point and the church was locked. Being a musician there, I had a key so I let myself in. There was one person still in the confessional so I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking I wasn’t too late. When I got in the confessional (face to face, which I do NOT like), the priest got all upset, saying he had things he had to do and he thought he’d locked the door. I told him I had a key and it was important to me to confess. He got into the spirit of it and heard my confession. However, it left a very bad taste in my mouth. This same priest presides over communal penance services twice a year. (I have heard that the archbishop has outlawed these services but he persists.) I played the piano for one recently. I didn’t see any opportunity for private confessions. There was absolution (for what, I do not know) and there was nothing said about how, if one is in a state of mortal sin, one needs to go to private Confession. I assume the entire congregation left, thinking they’d done their once a year duty, when in reality, there was no sacrament there, just a feel good prayer service. (The priest even stated if anyone wanted sacramental absolution, we could kneel and receive it.) When I took it up with the pastor, he yelled at me. He said they were being pastoral. When I asked the priest about it, he said he realized it was illicit form, but that was on his conscience, not mine. Since there are THREE priests, why could they not have had private confessions within the service? Needless to say, I have sought out other parishes where they have Confession every single day BEFORE the morning Mass. Thank goodness, I live in a large city where I have that opportunity! To me, the way some priests think they are above God and the Church takes my breath away.
In my parish, we have the Sacrament of Reconciliation before and after each Divine Liturgy. One can also request a private meeting with our pastor.

We have some families who drive over an hour each to attend Divine Liturgy. We only have 1 Divine Liturgy on Sunday.

We also have one family that goes to Reconciliation EACH AND EVERY SUNDAY! Unfortunately, they go 5 minutes BEFORE Divine Liturgy is supposed to begin. :eek:

Yesterday, our priest was FULLY VESTED and the bells were ringing for Divine Liturgy to begin and this wacko woman comes in and motions for our priest to hear her Confession:banghead:

Father was kinder than I would have been and took her aside and she came back out a minute later but she and her family have no respect for others in the congregation. She races downstairs IMMEDIATELY after recieving the Holy Eucharist and proceeds to give her kids donuts before the rest of the congregation gets there. She seems to think that because she and her husband give a sizeable donation to the collection every Sunday, she is “special”:tsktsk:

We know that she and her husband belong to a “questionable” prayer group; the follow the “teachings” of a “stigmatic” who has been forbidden from speaking in any Catholic church and the women of this prayer group are “asked” to wear “special” outfits while praying:hmmm:

The Sundays that there is a traditional Tridentine Mass offered in our local Roman Archdiocese, they do not attend Divine Liturgy in our parish but this Mass:hmmm: I guess this says enough about where their hearts are…

Wishing everyone a blessed Great Week and a Joyous Paska!
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