Pride, when it comes down to it, doesn’t matter. In fact, pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Overcome it. Defeat it. It wants to defeat you.
I’m a nervous type, and, as it happens, my job forces me to travel a lot. I have to fly about, let’s say, eight or nine times a year. Flying, to me, is a death-attracting experience. It may be irrational, but that’s just the way I am. I don’t care how proud I may be, the prospect of losing eternal life with Our Lord is about as nightmarish a thought as I have had. Before every business trip, I go to confession. In fact, over recent years, whether I’m traveling or not, I try to go to confession once a month, on First Saturday.
Frequent confession (if you can call once a month frequent) does have its drawbacks, however. I find myself confessing the same sins over and over. I feel like a hypocrite, as I told the priest in the confessional last week (before my latest trip).
But, I’ll tell you this much: The more you go to confession, the more aware of your vices you are and, perhaps, the better chance you have to moderate, if not altogether eliminate, them.
Confession is a supreme gift from God. Please take advantage of it.
And, pray the Rosary. Our Blessed Mother is a wonderful advocate who is just waiting for us to ask her for her intercessory power.