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As nearly everyone who has responded to this post has said, confessing your sins is not a pleasant experience. Going more often does not make it any easier. In fact, it makes it harder, because I often need to continue to confess the same sins. What is even worse, as I continue on my spiritual journey, I am more and more aware of my sins. I feel even more culpable for committing them with more knowledge and insight. It is only over time that I have begun to realize the true healing that has been going on.

For me, the unease in going is more than offset by the tremendous joy and relief in hearing the words “your sins are forgiven” and understanding the incredible gift that is being given in this sacrament. This brings me close to tears nearly every time.
Regular confession to a good confessor is very helpful. Also, careful examination of one’s concience over a period of days helps me formulate what I’m going to say, although it usually ends up differently. I also look for underlying causes of my sins, which usually fall under the seven deadly ones.

People are willing to go to the dentist every 6 months, but will avoid confession for years. I don’t get it, it’s so helpful for our ongoing spiritual lives! It helps foster humilty. If people are embarrassed that the priest might recognize their voice than they probably need humilty even more! You shouldn’t let pride interfere with your relationship with God, and ought not be worrying about impressing the priest. Anyways, he’s probably heard everything by now.
Go regularly, it makes it a lot easier.

I guess it’s sort of like excercising. The more you do it, the easier it is to do. And the heathier you are overall.

About a year ago, I started going about every 2-3r weeks. I’ve found the Grace of the Sacrement really helps to be conscience of, and avoid, my habitual sins.
I also find confession difficult. I’m not confessing anything particularly terrible or embarassing, but I still burst into tears. The experience is too emotional or intense for me to stay calm…
I used to be a cafeteria catholic. My turn around required a good confession and it wasn’t easy. I didn’t shed any tears during the confession (those came later). Instead, I found myself sweating profusely as I went through my past. If I had realized in advance that swallowing my pride would have this effect, I could have made a small fortune buying stock in anti-perspirants.

At any rate, the discomfort and embarrassment immediately gave way to a great sense of peace and forgiveness. I still find confession somewhat uncomfortable, but I find sinning to be particularly disquieting. When we are filled with God’s grace the occassion of sin, while attractive, is at the same time very disturbing. I also see things as sinful that I didn’t consider to be sinful earlier. The Lord works in mysterious and wonderful ways!
Our Deacon told us in RCIA that although he does not hear confession he does listen to alot of peoples personal problems. Often times, some months after a listening session, that person will bring up the discussion again, and our Deacon cannot remember it.

The point is, often people are embarrased talking, or confessing, to the priest, but the priest probably forgets 99% of what he hears very soon after hearing it.

I’m still working up the courage to go.

Pride, when it comes down to it, doesn’t matter. In fact, pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Overcome it. Defeat it. It wants to defeat you.
Pride is something my priest and I talk about quite a bit… 🙂
I find that it is easier to do when I do it more often. This year I try to confess once a month.

Even if it is not easy, it is good to have it done, to have the grace of the Lord.

I think it is nesesary to use this sacrament often in a secular world.

God Bless!

Can somebody please tell me how to get my signature right? Sorry to bring this topic up here, but here it shows how the signature became in my reply to “confession”

It should have been in green handwriteing. So i felt a bit confused when I saw what had become my signature. (So far, as you will notice, I have plottet out the “extra” and instead used som of the symbols from the lis).

I will gladden my heart if somebody will send me a private message in my mailbox on this (so we don’t start writing about something other than confession on this thread).​

"Re: Confession

I find that it is easier to do when I do it more often. This year I try to confess once a month.

Even if it is not easy, it is good to have it done, to have the grace of the Lord.

I think it is nesesary to use this sacrament often in a secular world.

God Bless!


undefinedundefinedundefined “On this Rock…” Jesus said because of LOVE for all of us. (Mat.16:18) "

God Bless!

Is it just me or does anybody else find it hard to go to confession?
I find myself tempted to not go to confession because of a sin I may’ve repeatedly confessed over and over. But with that sin merely lurking in my mind, I can’t in good conscience take the Eucharist, as it’s probably blasphemy for me to take it without having confessed.

I honestly find it harder to take Eucharist by not regularly going to confession. So missing Eucharist is like missing the most important part of my life. That’s just me.
You are certainly not alone in your feelings. Confessing is like shining a light in dark places.

Isn’t it interesting that our Adversary, when tempting us, seems to minimize or remove all shame and after we have sinned piles on the shame and guilt to discourage us from confessing our sins?
As a possible catholic convert and drawn to the wonderful mysteries of your faith, I have some questions after reading all of this…

I have been a episcopalian, baptist, and attended methodist churches and have listened to Billy Graham, Charles Stanley, as well as reading the Encyclical of Life by Pope John Paul and the latest devotion to Christ by Pope Benedict - Are you happy with your relationship with Christ and the great comforter - the holy spirit?

Everytime I listen or read works of men of God, the bible, the catechism, i am inspired! We all are sinners and we will do this till we die - that is our nature, but our personal commitment to Christ cures this - although it does not feel great sometime.

Use this gift of confession as to telling Christ - but recall he knows what is in our hearts - each one of he does, yes he does. Every confession in private or to one of your priests is desert -

God hears you and will reward you everyday. That is how the rest of us think. Your faith is deep and profound. You are gifted to be catholic and continue the long traditiions stretching bacl 2000 years.

Do not forget your joy!
Is it just me or does anybody else find it hard to go to confession? The thought of it just makes me clam up. I do not lead the perfect life by any means, but when I try and think about sins etc, I get very confused. I always try and pray at night and I am getting better, although I do have trouble with the Rosary. I think it is because I am easily distracted and do not give myself the time needed to reflect? 🙂
Ask God to give you the grace to remember your sins, trust in Him, and when you go to Confess, confess to Jesus through the Priest (the Priest is only His screen, just as a screen separates the penitent from the confessor)
If a priest does not speak your language well, is his Absolution valid after he hears your confession? 🤷
Is it just me or does anybody else find it hard to go to confession? The thought of it just makes me clam up. I do not lead the perfect life by any means, but when I try and think about sins etc, I get very confused. I always try and pray at night and I am getting better, although I do have trouble with the Rosary. I think it is because I am easily distracted and do not give myself the time needed to reflect? 🙂
Spend time on a good examination of conscience and improving your prayer and sacramental life and do not allow yourself to be dominated by these useless and harmful emotions. Pray before the Blessed Sacrament or a crucifix and mediate on Christ’s suffering and act of love and mercy on our behalf, and you will soon lose these destructive feelings. form the excellent habit of the daily examen, reviewing the events of each day under guidance of the Holy Spirit, giving thanks, expressing contrition for sins, making a resolution for tomorrow, and prayer. You will quickly find your confessions come easier.
Just a note. Went to confession yesterday. I try to go once a month, which in practical terms means about every month and a half, given time pressures on Saturday.

The great thing about it for me is of course the absolution. But very very important is the “advice” I can get from the priest in a confidential setting.

I find priests are not emitting the same pop psychology stuff that most people giving advice tend to emit. . . and of course pop psychology changes about every eight months. A lot more just clearer seeing into things. . . I really feel you get a more objective viewing of your situation, and keys to improve things.
If a priest does not speak your language well, is his Absolution valid after he hears your confession? 🤷
Yes. Remember you’re not confessing merely to the priest, but through him to Christ, in whose place he stands. Christ surely understands and accepts your confession, even if the priest does not understand every word.
I am no role model in this regard. I also cry, am very overcome with emotion. Sometimes I shake. I also often “go numb.” I find it incredibly scary. Several years ago, in theology school, I was brave enough to go face-to-face. When the priest is available & sensitive & perceptive, it’s a powerful experience & the graces feel immediate. I find that takes a lot more guts & I hate myself now for doing it anonymously because it’s a form of hiding. I think if I sat with a priest, and he came to know me, I would experience confession as more positive/constructive. Now I’m just terrified witless, and if I do it face-to-face I am ashamed that he will think less of me later when he recognizes me as the rat he gave absolution to.

Sometimes I think the fear part is a sign that maybe I’m not convinced that I have been and will be forgiven? Unfortunately I feel that the fear causes me to hold back a little what I really feel & know inside. (To be thorough with the confession.)

I wish I had wise words to offer; obviously I need help in this dep’t myself.
it took me 7 years after becoming a catholic to go to confession 😊 as i was terrified of going but a few weeks ago when we went to mass a little early just as father was coming out of the confessional and looked straight at me and it was like i was being asked to go a week later i made an appointment for it of course then i could hardly eat i was sooo nervous but once i got there it was okay not as bad as i had thought i didn’t even use the screen i plan on going again soon :gopray2:
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