For people confine at home because of the coronavirus pandemic, or interested in lerning how life is when a country has stopped his activity and the majority of people are called to stay at home, woking at distance or put to temporary unployment. I open this post.
The last dramatic epidemic we had was the spanish flu (a bird fu), more than a century ago, that had killed 1/4 of Europeans.
We never had in France, such measures taken by a governement, not even duing WWII.
Friday March 13 was the last day of school and university decided by the government. It does not impact my life directly, as a stay at home and homeschooling mother nor my child.
Saturday 14 we had the president on the TV that precised some new hard measures.
Sunday 15 was the first day without any masses in all the country. The churches has been said to stay openened. The only mass in our diocese was done with closed doors no faithfull people at all and viodeotaped and put online onthe diocese website. The bishop ask catholics for family devotions such as the rosary. People who watch it said the emptiness was impressive (I didn’t).
BUT it was an election day, so I voted and see a lot of people in the street. (what a logic…)
It was a bright day.
We also received homeschooling friends. (my selfish decision to not canceled). Is the virus in the area? We had no idea…
Monday 16 last day of work for my husband. He is a teacher and prepared lessons and homework to send to the students (by postmail).
He did groceries and take a lot of food to prepare for the confinement.
A lot of people did their groceries with a predilection for toilet paper (…).
I made search on articles on the coronavrius and become much more aware of the danger. 3 official cases in our diocese. Does that mean one hundred of infected people? Not sure…
Tueday 17 We had stricters rules. “confinement total” since 12 am.
the Governement send us text messages on our cell phone to explain the new rules.
We need a paper written in due form to explain why we go outside the house (only for necessity reason, such as food groceries, or to walk the dog or exercice alone). We should stay at 1 meter minimum of othe people.
My husband post some mails before it was too late. We are prepared to stay inside the house and in the garden.
I have my paramedical appointments by phone now.
A case of coronavirus is suspected among my husband’s coworker.
Wednesday 18 the first day with all four without going outside the home at all.
What I noticed is the calm in the streets. I see the neighboors in their outside propriety, they made work and garderning sometimes someone walking but no more.
The end of night it was usually busy in the road. I know heard only the silence. What a change!
people respected rules, as the epidemic progress.
We still hmeschooled ad try to find balance with all four at home.
Is anyone want to share experience?
The last dramatic epidemic we had was the spanish flu (a bird fu), more than a century ago, that had killed 1/4 of Europeans.
We never had in France, such measures taken by a governement, not even duing WWII.
Friday March 13 was the last day of school and university decided by the government. It does not impact my life directly, as a stay at home and homeschooling mother nor my child.
Saturday 14 we had the president on the TV that precised some new hard measures.
Sunday 15 was the first day without any masses in all the country. The churches has been said to stay openened. The only mass in our diocese was done with closed doors no faithfull people at all and viodeotaped and put online onthe diocese website. The bishop ask catholics for family devotions such as the rosary. People who watch it said the emptiness was impressive (I didn’t).
BUT it was an election day, so I voted and see a lot of people in the street. (what a logic…)
It was a bright day.
We also received homeschooling friends. (my selfish decision to not canceled). Is the virus in the area? We had no idea…
Monday 16 last day of work for my husband. He is a teacher and prepared lessons and homework to send to the students (by postmail).
He did groceries and take a lot of food to prepare for the confinement.
A lot of people did their groceries with a predilection for toilet paper (…).
I made search on articles on the coronavrius and become much more aware of the danger. 3 official cases in our diocese. Does that mean one hundred of infected people? Not sure…
Tueday 17 We had stricters rules. “confinement total” since 12 am.
the Governement send us text messages on our cell phone to explain the new rules.
We need a paper written in due form to explain why we go outside the house (only for necessity reason, such as food groceries, or to walk the dog or exercice alone). We should stay at 1 meter minimum of othe people.
My husband post some mails before it was too late. We are prepared to stay inside the house and in the garden.
I have my paramedical appointments by phone now.
A case of coronavirus is suspected among my husband’s coworker.
Wednesday 18 the first day with all four without going outside the home at all.
What I noticed is the calm in the streets. I see the neighboors in their outside propriety, they made work and garderning sometimes someone walking but no more.
The end of night it was usually busy in the road. I know heard only the silence. What a change!
people respected rules, as the epidemic progress.
We still hmeschooled ad try to find balance with all four at home.
Is anyone want to share experience?
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