Do you believe you have grounds for an annulment … If you do, then I presume that it is your opinion that you were not
in fact married in the eyes of God prior to your marriage with your current spouse. If this is what you believe, then how is your marriage with your current spouse a mortal sin?
You are awaiting a judgment of the Church. If in your conscious you know what that judgment ought to be (while the Church is still pondering the evidence of your case), then your sin is not mortal.
Itsjustdave1988 - your reasoning, while interesting, does not take into account the Full Truth of the situation, as it’s been presented here.
At this point, they have learned of the teaching of the Church with regards to marriage. Furthermore, they have been shown that a marriage by even one Catholic (once baptised Catholic, the Church forever claims her own, believe me, this I know) to a non-Catholic, regardless of whether or not the spouse ever intends to become Catholic, must be a Sacramental Marriage, performed by the Church, for it to be valid in the eyes of the Church.
Their marriage cannot be recognized by the Church until the potential impediment to their marriage can be corrected (the annulments are necessary before the Marriage can be blessed by the Church).
Until their marriage is blessed (even if they know that the annulments will go through, therefore there is no actual impediment, as there were no actual previous marriages) out of obedience to the Authority of God’s Church on earth, the Bride of Christ, they are obligated to maintain a Chaste relationship for the time being if they desire to be in a State of Grace.
Am I suggesting anything regarding the ultimate repose of their souls if they didn’t do so? ABSOLUTELY NOT. What we choose to do when faced with these decisions is between us, the immediate parties involved, our confessor &/or spiritual advisor and God. And God is the final judge in these matters. In the meantime, make use of the sacrament of confession as soon as the Priest allows it and live as you would understand you are meant to live.
I came to the conclusion that while I knew that my marriage was absolutely real in the eyes of God (previous marriage not valid, therefore no impediment, both wanted lifelong marriage, kids, etc), as a faithful person, recognizing that the Catholic Church held authority on earth for Christ and therefore disobedience to the church was the equivalent of being disobedient to God himself.
I assure you, I have reaped a harvest of Grace for my willingness to accept such a difficult truth in todays world.