Whatever makes you think that God doesn’t care. HE cared enough to send HIS Divine Son to redeem us. HE taught us HIS laws and what he asks of us in our way of life. To come follow Him. HE left us HIS Church to guide us and sanctify us, through the Seven Sacraments, as we live our daily lives. He instilled in us a desire for following the natural law and the ability to learn HIS TRUTHS. The only thing HE didn’t do is take away our “free will” and HE will never do that. God Bless, Memaw, PS, even when a “parent” steps in and explains why the behavior is wrong, sometimes that “child” just doesn’t care. Our post Christian society is a GOOD example of that!!!The trouble with is that God could do something about it, IF he so chose! Since he never expresses his “displeasure” it is reasonable to maintain that he does not care. If you are a parent, and see that your child does something you do not approve, then you had better STEP in and explain why that behavior is “frowned upon”.