You mean homosexual acts being called an “abomination” by some? So as not to add to hurt feelings of LGB’s, I actually do not cite the Levitical clobber verse, nor do I use the word.Calling their actions to be an “abomination” (and worse) is an attempt to dominate them.
Note however that Judaism, not the Catholic Church, gave us “sheqets” in their Tanakh, the word for abomination, and the CC compiled the book as such in the Old Testament in the Bible. It is a word in biblical Hebrew for an act or something that is “taboo” which did not always convey the same sense of moral exceptionalism as in the current English word usage, meaning an act that is exceptionally loathsome.
The problem I see is that LGBs and their sympathizers wish for everyone to drop use of other words as well in reference to homosexual sex, such as “deviant” (meaning deviating from the norm, in regular non-religious usage. Where do you want this word policing to go, should the Catholic Church be made to remove the part in the Catechism that teaches that homosexual desire is “intrinsically disordered” and that homosexual acts are “objectively disordered”? I have already read this expressed by gay forces inside and outside the Church. Especially now in such heady times, with the Obergefell v Hodges SCOTUS ruling. These backward thinking Christians have to be dominated, victory has to be complete, eh?
Yep. Lucky you, able to speak with such indifference to the unborn, because your mother did not abort you.The old bumper sticker is still applicable. “Against abortion? Then don’t have one!”. The new version: “Against homosexual relationships? Then don’t engage in them!”
I am not looking to have those in homosexual relationships hounded, relationships which are just as wrong as pre / extramarital relationships. Now as for same sex “marriage” and the state forcing all to accept placement of children with same sex parents? You betcha. My brothers and sisters in Christ are very concerned!
Abuse is abuse, both disgusting and unacceptable if committed by biological parents or same sex adoptive parents. As I posted in #300, my reply to Thorolfr, all things equal but for sex differentiation / sameness of parents in homes where children are being raised, the unnatural configuration of same sex parents necessarily denies the child of a mother or father, both of whom provide balance in the emotional and psychosexual development of the child. Same sex parents, even those who love and care for their children, and do not physically abuse or neglect them, are not able to provide the modeling of a natural family.Why? Is there ANY evidence that same sex couples are more abusive than heterosexuals? Indeed such children will not grow up prejudiced against these relationships, and you consider this to be a problem. Others consider it a great advancement.
Then why continually say we are imposing or dictating our beliefs as if we have the force of the state? Can you tolerate a sincere and differing view from yours?Only because you don’t have the power to impose.