I am perfectly willing to accept that they act out of the best interest of others - as they perceive it. That they are simply motivated by “love”. But that does not help. They stick their “nose” where it is not welcome.
Do you remember the story of the young boy scout, who proudly told his father that he and five of his friends helped an old man to cross a busy street? When the father asked him why did he need the help of his five friends, he answered: “Because the old geezer did not want to cross the street”.
My goodness… not another “-ism”. I have no idea what it means, but I suspect that it designates my attitude which says that I am not worried about other people’s behavior, as long as that behavior is either benevolent or neutral toward others.
While respecting traditions of other faiths, we do not subscribe to the idea that one belief is as good or true as any other.
Just remember the young boy scout next time when you speak out about what you consider “truth”. When the old geezer wishes to be left alone, simply respect his wish.
Again, it is NOT your job to decide what “fulfillment” is for others. I am sure that you would be upset if others would wish to dictate how you should conduct your life which leads to “fulfillment”. And you would be right. Don’t try to live the life of others. I wish to repeat: “respect” others, even if you think that they are in error.
Who disagrees with you about the need to respect others? How are Catholics dictating to other people, exactly? The OP asked how to effectively counter the argument by a culture (that is actually dictating to us) on actions that are purportedly between consenting adults, supposedly harming no one, therefore they are none of anybody’s business. It’s the kind of shortsighted reasoning to the Roe v Wade and Obergefell v Hodges decisions that led to laws that run against the common and social good.
A life is being snuffed with the consent of a pregnant woman with the willingness and skill of her abortionist, legal by the R v W ruling.
You could say that what goes in the bedroom of a same sex couple is nobody’s business but the O v H decision is manifestation that protection of said private and sexual liberty eventually became a nod to something that is public policy affecting all citizens. The effect of gay “right” to marriage necessarily produces a ripple effect (the water is not contained just in the bath tub), with punishment of people in employment and business who wish to speak out in favor of true marriage or to exercise their faith, and teaching of their children in public schools against their beliefs.
In addition, children who are of course unable to give consent, with interests no less important than the interests of adults, are placed in homes of same sex parents through adoption. Sure, circumstance and accident may result in less than ideal home situation, with an absent mother or father, or both. But, to intentionally put children with same sex parents is wrong headed. How does this translate to respect (of children), respect, which you underscore in your argument? Tell us again that there is no harm resulting from, it is nobody’s business, what consenting adults do.
We are called to proclaim truth whether it’s in or out of season, whether it’s currently popular or not. To convince, rebuke, and exort where / when appropriate, to be unfailing in patience and in teaching, like in this forum, where we are certainly proposing. Not imposing. You and I both do not want a big brother police state. But already, in the public square, we see signs that views labelled as Christian by you and others would not be tolerated and respected. Signs that the state, on prodding by the liberal left, is moving in the direction of effective limitations to freedom of speech and religion.
You may be dismissive of Christian belief in God, boldly declaring that the bible is a mythology book, that there is no such thing as sin, and we are fools to believe in a reward for good deeds in life after in heaven and punishment for unrepented bad deeds in hell … You are not the first, won’t be the last, to make such declarations here. We hear you. Do you hear us, or do you wish to silence our disagreement?
If you wish to help me, I explicitly ask you point out which posts of mine are “non-charitable”. This would be the perfect time to exhibit your love. Let me learn about the rules of “charitable” posting…
I will PM my response to this.