It’s telling that you have grouped “the gay agenda,” which has never been shown to have any detrimental effects other than to upset the conservative sensitivities of those who hold a certain set of beliefs, with items such as “child abuse.” I think before you have any chance of making a successful argument, you’re going to need to defend your taxonomy.
Actions and attitudes that blind themselves to the good of others have in common that they harm others, whether or not direct consequences can be observed. “No blood, no foul” is a lie. We all instinctively know this. In these cases that I inadequately listed (there are a multitude of others we all engage in), reason and charity are subverted through actions which exalt a radical individualism that denies our communion with others. Our reason is distorted and our gaze is diverted from what is truly good for humanity. We become unable “to see”. For instance, a man and a woman are designed sexually, emotionally, spiritually, to bond with one another in a uniquely complementary manner. Any person who is willing to look can see this complementarity. One must lie to one’s self to be blind to it.
One who exalts one’s own individual pleasure becomes blind to this complementarity and refuses to see this natural order, upon which the very existence and flourishing of human beings is based. This blindness allows a man or woman to take another man or woman as an object, rather than a complementary human being worthy of a complete conjugal relationship. This blindness allows me to use another person for my own pleasure and purposes.
Whether or not the other person allows themselves to be used, or uses me in return, is quite beside the point. This blindness allows me to arrogate to myself the proper disposition of the sexual faculty, the dispensing of judgment, punishment, the radically individualistic disposal of my time and wealth without regard to others, etc…Spousal abuse, child abuse, adultery, sloth, greed, indifferentism…all these allow a person to surround themselves in distorted and blind personal morality, which can only detract from the well being of others.
And indeed, look at history. Look at the damage that has been done by patriarchal institutions that have acted to oppress and subdue, all in the name of furthering their own interests.
Very true. Systems and attitudes in which men abuse those with less power bring about all sorts of evil.
We can be thankful that despite it’s many shortcomings, the Christian community has an “ethic” that has endured, despite it’s flawed proponents, to propose a way of living that exalts the human dignity of all people in a unique way. Evidence of this can be seen in the establishment of centers of learning, universities, observatories, laboratories of all kinds, hospitals dedicated to serving the least among us, the largest charitable initiatives in human history, initiatives against slavery and the oppression of women. Indeed the entire history of civilization has been leavened by the presence of Christ among his people, despite the evil we all commit.
However, I digress: what would you suggest? How do you ensure that we all act in such a way that our brothers and sisters are unharmed by our actions? How, where, and how often do we declare our actions? Who decides whether they are harmful, and to what extent? How do we curtail those activities that are deemed harmful, and how do we ensure that in doing so we are not doing harm ourselves?
Enforcement is not really the point. I cannot force anyone to behave in a certain way. We can however poiint out the good that all people are called to, and exhort each other to contribute to that good. We can call each other out of our individualism to see how we are connected.
One of these primary goods is human existence. The call to exist, the right to exist. Human beings seem to be “called” to exist, cause, well…here we are talking about it and as I look around human beings are being born all the time. Protecting the ordered way in which existence comes about is important. It is not just another private reflex to be arrogated to one’s self. We should help families flourish, as it is the unique way in which human beings come into the world.
I am not SSA, but I can contribute to human flourishing by being faithful to my wife and family, by refraining from things which degrade the complementarity of man and woman and objectify it, like pornography.