Well, you managed to avoid the gist of the article.
I never said straight people don’t get AIDS. But you have some 'splainin to do as to why homosexuals and bisexuals are the main point of the article.
And enough of your own arrogance in claiming to know God’s will and condemning others as not really Christian. I’m guessing you also claim St. Paul was not Christian enough for you.
Why would I say Paul was not Christian enough for me? You seem to think that just because I understand where Pallas is coming from and how someone should respond to her/his points (using empirical evidence rather than “because the Bible says so”) that I somehow believe the exact same things as her/him. This is simply not the case. However, I do probably understand his/her position far better than you do.
As for why homosexuals and bisexuals have AIDS at a higher rate, the answer is rather simple. I’ll discuss the more technical notion first. First, any STD is far more easily contracted through anal intercourse than vaginal intercourse. The reason being that the “skin” of the intestines/rectum is far more porous and absorbent of things than the vagina. Suppositories exist solely because the rectum is highly absorbent. So if one person has an STD and they engage in anal sex, they are much more likely to give it to their partner than if they would having sex via other means.
The second reason why is because homosexual sex was much more promiscuous initially, or so it seems to me. However, as homosexuality is becoming more and more socially accepted, people can begin to be openly gay. The end result is and has been, in fact, that homosexuals are increasingly engaging in monogamous and long-term relationships without the fear of harsh repercussions. This helps to explain the proportionality of AIDS victims within the homosexual community actually decreasing over the past several decades. I might disagree with their choices, but I actually think we’ve made moral progress as a society to be more accepting of them.
AIDS started with the Homosexuals and had now spread to every part of humanity. Did you forget the early 80’s? Scripture tells us that homosexuality is unnatural, Romans 1, 24-32. and 1 Corinth, 9-11.
“Thousands” of other “species” are not accountable before God, they can’t sin. Man can. Makes me wonder where you came up with that “thousands” anyway. God Bless, Memaw
I disagree with your position on animals’ moral culpability, but that is a topic for another discussion in another thread perhaps. And yes, I know full well the early 80’s. But the disproportionate affect upon the gay community was not due to them being gay. It was due to secondary factors.
Furthermore, I never denied Romans 1:24-32 or 1 Corinthians 9-11. I am merely pointing out that those aren’t sufficient arguments for Pallas, who rejects the authority of scripture. If you want to make your case to Pallas, you have to make it on his/her terms, which are empirical. If you can’t do that, then you can’t have an honest discussion with her/him.