I think your text is a little outdated. Science, sociology and psychology texts change constantly. Androgeny is not only being hemaphroditic but also appearing as if male and female, that includes dress etc.
For example… Annie Lennox looked “androgynous” in the “sweet dreams” video because she appeared with very short, masculine hair, a 3 piece man’s suit, however she is a woman.
By your reasoning, a man staying home to look after the kids means the man is androgynous. In 1980, this information may have been correct due to the fact that it wasn’t accepted as a males role. Today, more men stay home and therefore, you should not cite psychology books.
One more question, how can you disagree with a dictionary?
You seem to be confusing politically correct euphemisms, neologisms, and tropes for formal English.
For example, the word ‘Gay’ does not mean homosexual; it is simply being *misused *as slang for homosexual.
The term Androgynous has always had an economic or role playing definition, until liberal writers have *misused *it as slang for a bisexual or transgendered. The proper word for that mess would be Hermaphodite.
An androgynous household would be one with role reversal, such as the son doing the cooking while the daughter drives the truck, or the husband house sits while the wife goes off to work. As any sociology, cultural anthropology, or psychology text will assert, due to economic considerations there are many androgynous households across the world.
How can I disagree with a dictionary? Not only do psych texts change constantly, so do dictionaries. As part of the ongoing culture war (kulturkampf), liberals and their ilk have introduced neologisms and politically correct terms into various dictionaries over the past few decades to give them a semblence of credence; yet that is just false validation. But it has lowered the credibility of all dictionaries in the process so that none are now beyond criticism.
Homophobic? What is that? A fear of homo sapiens? There is no such word in the English language as homophobic and it is just a neologism which should be classified as simple slang.
The Archangel Gabriel in the movie CONSTANTINE was, in my opinion, offensively portrayed as a homosexual and a traitor to God. Being a hemaphrodite is not sophisticated or cool or with-it, it is just another unfortunate genetic mutation.