"Constantine" the movie

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I didn’t liek the fact so much that Gabriel was portrayal was morally ambiguous at best.
I agree. Portraying villians as hermaphrodites appears to be the trend in hollyweird these days, in order to personafy hollyweird’s assertion that all morality is subjective, that there alledgedly is no universal morality, and therefore all morality is ambiguous.

Personally I saw the character of Gabriel in the movie CONSTANTINE to be a lesbian; and a equivocator.

And I believe John Constantine’s assertion that Gabriel was INSANE with her Orwellian rationalization that War is Peace; that Evil is Good; that satan is God; or that suffering is good for the soul; by unleashing the minions of hell onto the planet Earth to make man more noble? An immortal being like the Archangel Gabriel should know better.
The movie was schlock with plot holes big enough to substitute for the Panama Canal.

Constantine’s driving motivation is to do enough good deeds in order to win his way into Heaven for a suicide from which he was medically saved only after being dead for a handful of minutes. Utterly stupid. See, there’s this thing called the Sacrament of Reconciliation…

– Mark L. Chance.
The movie was schlock with plot holes big enough to substitute for the Panama Canal.

Constantine’s driving motivation is to do enough good deeds in order to win his way into Heaven for a suicide from which he was medically saved only after being dead for a handful of minutes. Utterly stupid. See, there’s this thing called the Sacrament of Reconciliation…

– Mark L. Chance.
Yes, it was tawdry entertainment at best. Nobody is taking it seriously.
What would be the proper term for creatures with no sex?

Though the Bible seems to say that some fallen angels were attracted to women. (Gen 6) Though some scholars feel they probably procreated with them by posessing men.
Kevin Walker:
Yes, it was tawdry entertainment at best. Nobody is taking it seriously.
You should re-read the thread. Apparently some people are taking it seriously. 😉

– Mark L. Chance.
Hermaphoditism: 1: “an anomolous condition in humans and animals in which both the male and female reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics are present in the same individual.”
the Merriam Webster Dictionary:
Androngyny: “2b. suitable for either sex
3. having traditional male and female roles obscured or reversed - an androgynous marriage” e.g., has a working woman and a house husband.
1980 Dictionary of Psychology (from my freshman Psych courses) "having to do with gender roles or role reversal.
So once again, the liberal writers have inappropriately hijacked yet another word as a euphemism: misusing “Gay” for homosexual; and misusing ‘Androgynous’ for bisexuality or transgendered.
To be precise: Androgynous refers to role reversal (economic role reversal, not sexual) and Hermaphrodism is the biological term refering to bisexuality.
I think your text is a little outdated. Science, sociology and psychology texts change constantly. Androgeny is not only being hemaphroditic but also appearing as if male and female, that includes dress etc.

For example… Annie Lennox looked “androgynous” in the “sweet dreams” video because she appeared with very short, masculine hair, a 3 piece man’s suit, however she is a woman.

By your reasoning, a man staying home to look after the kids means the man is androgynous. In 1980, this information may have been correct due to the fact that it wasn’t accepted as a males role. Today, more men stay home and therefore, you should not cite psychology books.

One more question, how can you disagree with a dictionary?
What would be the proper term for creatures with no sex?

Though the Bible seems to say that some fallen angels were attracted to women. (Gen 6) Though some scholars feel they probably procreated with them by posessing men.
The term ‘Asexual’ means without sex.

Some protozoans reproduce asexually, such as when amoeba’s split into two.
I think your text is a little outdated. Science, sociology and psychology texts change constantly. Androgeny is not only being hemaphroditic but also appearing as if male and female, that includes dress etc.

For example… Annie Lennox looked “androgynous” in the “sweet dreams” video because she appeared with very short, masculine hair, a 3 piece man’s suit, however she is a woman.

By your reasoning, a man staying home to look after the kids means the man is androgynous. In 1980, this information may have been correct due to the fact that it wasn’t accepted as a males role. Today, more men stay home and therefore, you should not cite psychology books.

One more question, how can you disagree with a dictionary?

You seem to be confusing politically correct euphemisms, neologisms, and tropes for formal English.

For example, the word ‘Gay’ does not mean homosexual; it is simply being *misused *as slang for homosexual.

The term Androgynous has always had an economic or role playing definition, until liberal writers have *misused *it as slang for a bisexual or transgendered. The proper word for that mess would be Hermaphodite.

An androgynous household would be one with role reversal, such as the son doing the cooking while the daughter drives the truck, or the husband house sits while the wife goes off to work. As any sociology, cultural anthropology, or psychology text will assert, due to economic considerations there are many androgynous households across the world.

How can I disagree with a dictionary? Not only do psych texts change constantly, so do dictionaries. As part of the ongoing culture war (kulturkampf), liberals and their ilk have introduced neologisms and politically correct terms into various dictionaries over the past few decades to give them a semblence of credence; yet that is just false validation. But it has lowered the credibility of all dictionaries in the process so that none are now beyond criticism.

Homophobic? What is that? A fear of homo sapiens? There is no such word in the English language as homophobic and it is just a neologism which should be classified as simple slang.

The Archangel Gabriel in the movie CONSTANTINE was, in my opinion, offensively portrayed as a homosexual and a traitor to God. Being a hemaphrodite is not sophisticated or cool or with-it, it is just another unfortunate genetic mutation.
Kevin Walker:
The Archangel Gabriel in the movie CONSTANTINE was, in my opinion, offensively portrayed as a homosexual and a traitor to God.
I must have missed Gabriel’s sex scene.
I must have missed Gabriel’s sex scene.
In the movie CONSTANTINE why would a homosexual looking arch angel require a sex scene to be a traitor to God?
i haven’t seen the movie, and i’m not exactly looking forward to do so. i’m tired of all the hollywood-theology drivel! :banghead: keanu reeves isn’t exactly an incentive for me to watch it either.
Gabriel didn’t strike me as a homosexual rather a unisexual, like in some weird way it was both sexes…I don’t know where you are getting homosexual from…
I’ve seen the movie, I thought it was decent to good. I was however, waiting for Keanu to bust out and say “dude, that was a most excellent, excorcism!” and subsequently air guitar.

Yes, it very much stresses dualism and there’s a lot of superstitioun involved, but I thought that was entertaining. Gold, for example is believed by some to be able to kill/hurt demons (yeah, voodoo). I was a bit peeved about the whole suicide == one way ticket to Hell. I was taught that you basically hafta be mentally insane to take your own life as your natural instinct is self-preservation.

I dont know why everyone is upset about Gabriel. Wasnt Lucifer God’s favorite before he fell? He got prideful and, according to St. Thomas Aquinas (?), fell because he refuse to accept the angels as second next to humanity. This is what the movie character Gabriel does, refusing to accept God’s love of humanity.

I dont know what anyone is talking about when they say Gabriel appears in the movie as adrogenous/hermaphroitic/etc. She looked like a she, no doubt about it, to me. Remember that the movie uses a different concept of angels/demons on Earth; they’re “half-breeds”.

I find it incredibly offensive people can deem a girl as a lesbian because she looks a certain way. But this is because I’ve had Evangelical preachers call my gf a lesbian because she has short hair (about as long as mine) and doesnt wear skirts/dresses. I dont mean to be judgemental, I’m just very defensive.
Kevin Walker:
In the movie CONSTANTINE why would a homosexual looking arch angel require a sex scene to be a traitor to God?

– Mark L. Chance.
I had some hope that this would be good, because of the trailer I saw: The street darkens as the demons come and a single storefront remains lit. And it sure looked like a statue of Mary was beckoning the protagonists. Mary? Wow! Could there be Catholic theology underlying all this? But then there was nonsense about suicide and the mixed up requirements for gaining Heaven. Oh well. Nevermind.
I had some hope that this would be good, because of the trailer I saw: The street darkens as the demons come and a single storefront remains lit. And it sure looked like a statue of Mary was beckoning the protagonists. Mary? Wow! Could there be Catholic theology underlying all this? But then there was nonsense about suicide and the mixed up requirements for gaining Heaven. Oh well. Nevermind.
Aw don’t just give up on it, check it out it’s enjoyable. If Constantine really did just go to Confession, that would’ve made right theology, but a boring movie.😃

Yeah the scene of the statue of Mary is there, and as it’s lights stay on, it does draw Constantine to it.

For all the people complaining about how the movie doesn’t get all the theology right, you should be glad it at least didn’t portray the REAL Constantine and story from the comic books called Hellblazer, now there’s a movie that would really be offensive! And the fans of the comic of course are complaining. But I say… better them than us. Constantine as the movie shows was awesome!

The suicide issues are resolved at the end. As for actual Church teachings, surprisingly I’ve been unable to find anything, but I do remember being told that Suicide was considered a mortal sin. Well at least if the person is in the right state of mind. And it seems that the character in this film knew what she was doing although she appears crazy. Under circumstances she is at the end delivered so I’m willing to give God’s providence a hand in it all. Remember that people as gnostics etc. taught that matter is evil and the body is evil so they can do anything they wanted with it, including kill themselves to ‘escape.’ The Apostles had to deal with them in the early church. As well even if suicide is not ‘direct to hell’ sinful the girl still decided to kill herself rather than persevere through her suffering even if a demon was being born in her… when life gets tough should we also just give up and kill ourselves? Try looking at the symbolic value (even if it is far fetched) If you commit suicide too, you might still die with whatever sins you otherwise had without being able to live to reconcile them, so that’s also a problem.

Check out the film, give it a try. I believe it’s well worth it.
I think it is a very good movie. I like it because of what he does in the end to save that one girl in the end. he kills himself to stop time and save the girl.i think it was wicked how he battled all of those demons.
In the movie, Constantine calls Gabriel a half-breed. That leads me to believe that she wasn’t supposed to be THE angel Gabriel, but rather an agent of good (just as Balthazar was an agent of evil) whose name just happened to be Gabriel.

Btw, I agree with those who think that the filmmakers were simply going for an asexual type of appearance for Gabriel.
In the movie, Constantine calls Gabriel a half-breed. That leads me to believe that she wasn’t supposed to be THE angel Gabriel, but rather an agent of good (just as Balthazar was an agent of evil) whose name just happened to be Gabriel.

Btw, I agree with those who think that the filmmakers were simply going for an asexual type of appearance for Gabriel.
Interesting, I automatically assumed Constantine was insulting Gabriel by calling her a half-breed, and not identifying that she actually was a half-breed? That got by me (but its not worth seeing the movie again).
I believe his exact words were, “If anyone should go to Hell, it’s you, half-breed.” So that gave me the impression that she was definitely 1) not THE angel Gabriel, 2) not a true angel at all.
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