Continuing in the tradition

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True, however we’re not just talking about “citizens” we’re talking “leaders” all the way to the top. Corruption at that level must be challenged.
So if you want to “challenge” stuff, wouldn’t it work a lot better if you were an actual member?

Once you leave, you don’t have grounds to “challenge” anything because the organization is primarily concerned with its members, not with people who already quit.
Totally agree. We all have to work to defend, purify, and heal Christ’s body in what ways we can. But heresy, schism, or apostasy only cause more problems and don’t do anyone any good.
I think every Catholic is disgusted with the sexual abuse cases…and it probably has been going on for centuries…and it was covered up which was just as disgusting…having said all that…it IS being addressed now…and bad as it was it was only a minority of priests who were corrupted…that’s not an excuse…and it has never been cause that has altered the doctrine of our Catholic faith…we have 3 good holy priests in our parish…never a hint of cover up or scandal which I’m glad by the way…but I don’t go to mass for that or any other reason but to partake of the body blood soul and divinity of our blessed Savior…really…I couldn’t care if the church was falling down around me as long as the Blessed Sacrament is there and can never be corrupted by heretical doctrine…that’s purely my own personal opinion…while I totally abhor those priests who have brought shame upon our Lords church…I haven’t given it a thought about leaving…others may think differently which they are entirely entitled to.
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This is a pretty horrible time. That said, I just don’t believe Jesus left this earth and wanted us to exist without there being a visible and established Church, one that guides and teaches us through scripture and tradition. He didn’t want some disorganized, nebulous “church” where people had to wander and try to figure things out on their own. So for that reason, I stay. I stay for the sacraments. I also believe that abandoning the faith won’t really help the situation.

Many people are doing their own ways of taking action, whether it’s prayer, reparation, contacting bishops or closing their wallets to corrupt bishops (or at least itemizing checks so money has to be used for just the basics like electricity to keep churches in operation) – I would rather see people take action rather than abandon ship.

Some of the greatest reformers and saints happened in the Church from the ground up, from the small and humble – not the established leaders in power.
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There is the rub. These men are not of His Church.

Has anything been done about it yet besides talk ?
i don’t know where you live, but where I live, clergy have been convicted and sentenced, not only for committing abuse, but also in at least one case for covering up the abuses of others.

I’d consider that “doing something about it”.
I meant the Church.

We’ll see later this month whether they’re going to do anything about it or just keep talking about doing something about it.
Regardless of what “they” do or don’t do, it has little effect on my daily life with Christ.

Which is about what I, myself, do or don’t do, today.
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It is the level of corruption.
What level of corruption, and what is this garbage about continuing “the tradition?” It used to be that discussion of the news had to be about a news article, so that there is more than just some rant going on.

It is hard to take you seriously with the approach you have. If you are going to complain about the level of corruption, you should know the level, as in what percentages, how many, and how long. The first post makes as much sense as changing countries because of all the abuse of women by politicians.

Can we have a news article here on this news forum? You know, so the news could be discussed.
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It is Satan. Read some of the stuff and how horrendous it is. Not just the depraved deprived acts of men without acceptable access to women but other things that let you know they are evil(if it was ever a question) like having boys pose like Jesus; not just gravely immoral but blasphemous.

If you leave he wins.
please tell me what other organization you would still belong to if these things happened?
Is this the question we were supposed to answer? What organization I would still belong to?

Answer: one that I thought held an important enough function in society that it needed to be saved. Terrible things have happened in public schools. I still went on to teach in public schools and send my kids to public schools. Some of our politicians have done unspeakable things, I still vote.
tell me what other organization you would still belong to if these things happened?
The Catholic church is the Church Christ gave to us for our salvation. It has an organizational structure but it is not an organization in that sense of the word.

Sin is everywhere in this world and there is nowhere out there where you won’t find sin and evil. Leaving would be like jumping into the fire.
I really can’t think of a reason to stay any longer.
The salvation of your soul and where you will spend eternity is a good reason to stay. It is true the Church is under a terrible attack right now, just as the apostles faced the terror of their storm when at sea in a boat, but just as Jesus was with them, He is still with us and wants us to have faith and trust in Him as He wanted it from the apostles.

God bless.
As your Moniker Matheww 25 states- good and bad will be judged by God. And, the “some” is not the “all.” If you think you are a good person, stick around.
I can not see how the Church is reflected by those who so vilely flout Her teachings; instead, I see the Church reflected in those who follow the Church’s teachings fully.

The scandals are horrendous, but the Church is the Body of Christ, which is being wounded. Christ’s Body was also wounded in a terrible way, and yet many stuck with Him. Imagine that: seeing the Person you so admired, Who you were the disciple and follower of, dying this terrible death. How disillusioning! And yet, in their wobbly or not-so-wobbly ways, they were there when Christ returned resurrected.

“Lord, go whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
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Ridiculous! The Church is not GOD. That would be heresy.
Is the Church not called the body of Christ? That’s actually rather clear from the Bible.
Romans 12-4
For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
I know, I as a Catholic have heard this frequently.

I guess in turn, Mary is called the Mother of the Church, certainly, She is the first one to go ask about troubling matters, imho.
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I know a few Churches in our area last December or November had these special town hall type meetings to discuss recent scandals. If you can find this or other forms of this, maybe a video, brochure, tv program addressing the scandal, maybe look into it.

Though, some men are mature to become Priests in their 20s and so on, I do think today’s society must really test a lot of candidates. Also, these scandals may be horrific even compared to how we might see ourselves but at the same time, I know most of us come up far from being perfect. That’s no rationale, just an observation.

It’s not convenient to want to start the priesthood, say at the age of 35, but if men could be investigated, whether they had these problems should be discoverable by then. That idea has rolled around a bit in my head. I don’t know if it is an earnest suggestion or just an observation.
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