I know a few Churches in our area last December or November had these special town hall type meetings to discuss recent scandals. If you can find this or other forms of this, maybe a video, brochure, tv program addressing the scandal, maybe look into it.
Though, some men are mature to become Priests in their 20s and so on, I do think today’s society must really test a lot of candidates. Also, these scandals may be horrific even compared to how we might see ourselves but at the same time, I know most of us come up far from being perfect. That’s no rationale, just an observation.
It’s not convenient to want to start the priesthood, say at the age of 35, but if men could be investigated, whether they had these problems should be discoverable by then. That idea has rolled around a bit in my head. I don’t know if it is an earnest suggestion or just an observation.