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I’m not married yet, but I just wanted to get a feel on how many Catholics actually follow the teaching against contraception. personally, i will obey the teaching. just curious to see the results! thanks!
Yes, there are some of us that are obediant;) God bless
I’m actually beginning to research contraception and the effects that it has on society for my sociology class (I’m sure the LAST thing on my professor’s agenda is contraception. I’m sure his reaction will be: “Contraception?! We’re talking about social problems here!”).

I know less about the sociological ramifications of contraception than the ethical implications of it. I never had a problem with contraception until recently. I never had even considered that it might be wrong! My mother gave me a couple of condoms when I was around 15 and I thought she had done me a favor. Over the past couple months I’ve become rather fervently opposed to it and have gone on many a rant concerning it.

Now, I’m only 21 and I’m not sexually active, so I can’t begin to understand the difficulties someone experiences who is sexually active. I’m sure that someone accustomed to and perhaps addicted to sexual relations would find it extremely difficult to give up such a “wonderful” invention as birth control. It gives the sexually active person freedom, which I suppose may be a greater incentive than the pleasure itself. Nevertheless, as I see it, all are called to stop using birth control.

Within marriage the question is even more agonizing. I can’t pretend to act like I don’t wish articifical methods of birth control were morally permissible ways of controlling procreation. But unfortunately they are not. I plan on using Natural Family Planning.

I am not married and it’s doubtful that I ever will be, but I agree that NFP is that best way to go and I disagree with artificial birth control methods. I picked the choice that comes cloeset to that even though I am probably not going to be married and in that situation unless God has some surprises in store for me in the near future.
I’m actually beginning to research contraception and the effects that it has on society for my sociology class (I’m sure the LAST thing on my professor’s agenda is contraception. I’m sure his reaction will be: “Contraception?! We’re talking about social problems here!”).

I know less about the sociological ramifications of contraception than the ethical implications of it. I never had a problem with contraception until recently. I never had even considered that it might be wrong! My mother gave me a couple of condoms when I was around 15 and I thought she had done me a favor. Over the past couple months I’ve become rather fervently opposed to it and have gone on many a rant concerning it.

Now, I’m only 21 and I’m not sexually active, so I can’t begin to understand the difficulties someone experiences who is sexually active. I’m sure that someone accustomed to and perhaps addicted to sexual relations would find it extremely difficult to give up such a “wonderful” invention as birth control. It gives the sexually active person freedom, which I suppose may be a greater incentive than the pleasure itself. Nevertheless, as I see it, all are called to stop using birth control.

Within marriage the question is even more agonizing. I can’t pretend to act like I don’t wish articifical methods of birth control were morally permissible ways of controlling procreation. But unfortunately they are not. I plan on using Natural Family Planning.

Well Jamie your smarter than me. It took an extraordinary amount of grace (with a lot of pain) to make me wake up to what the heresy of contraception is.

Once the scales fall off and this heresy is rejected and you understand that all children are a gift from God, you will see just how disordered the world has become.

More and more I look at contraception and its effect on the world in light of scripture and I truly believe its indelibly linked to the ‘mark’ of the beast we read about in revelations. Contraceptoin is the anit-sacrament of the anti-church.
It took an extraordinary amount of grace (with a lot of pain) to make me wake up to what the heresy of contraception is.

Once the scales fall off and this heresy is rejected and you understand that all children are a gift from God, you will see just how disordered the world has become.

I think this post should add the option of:
“been there, done that, overcame contraception with the grace of God.”
after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
I trust the teachings of the church in regards to contraception; therefore, I do not plan on using it. As many of you have stated, our society views the use of contraceptives as the norm and the cure for all our problems. Anyone who is of age who is morally against the use of contraceptives is viewed as nonprogressive, traditional, blah, blah, etc, ect. I was even labeled as someone who is anti womens rights becaues I do not plan on using it, although I am a 21 year old male college student. I pray every day (well as often as I can) that our heavenly Father will continue to bestow ever increasing graces in my life and the lives of those who I come into contact with, because I truly need them, being a student at a very, very liberal college.:cool:

after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
WOW Annie!!! 👍 👍 👍
after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
WOW Annie!!! 👍 👍 👍
PuzzleAnnie - You get my nomination for the**:**

"Most Profound and Brutally Honest Post of the Quarter"

My thoughts exactly just much better said.
yeah great quote, annie! better than i could say! we need more people like you to expose the truth
after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions…
Nothing like a little hyperbole to brighten up the day.
Nothing like a little hyperbole to brighten up the day.
The problem is, Gary, this is NOT hyperbole. The contracepting mentality is the antithesis of the a properly formed conscience. God is the life-giver. To claim that right for oneself is to deny God. He only allows this because in his infinite justice, He has given us the freedom to choose His will or our own. Contraception IS the greatest LIE–it claims to offer “freedom”, but makes us slaves to our own lack of self-control.

Perhaps your attempt at irony was spawned by the truth you see in the statement.
… It gives the sexually active person freedom, which I suppose may be a greater incentive than the pleasure itself. Nevertheless, as I see it, all are called to stop using birth control.

Within marriage the question is even more agonizing. I can’t pretend to act like I don’t wish articifical methods of birth control were morally permissible ways of controlling procreation. But unfortunately they are not. I plan on using Natural Family Planning.

So part of my talk as a promoter of NFP addresses the “freedom” aspect of artificial contraception:

"I am still trying to figure out the claim of “freedom” from people who use birth control. I don’t know about you, but I think the stores frown on people shoplifting their condoms. And you would have to be a track hurdler to scale that high counter at the pharmacist’s to pick up those pills without paying. Contraception is freedom?

The other one I question is the one that goes, ‘It is our private decision to use contraception.’ Private?? Let’s see, there’s your doctor, your pharmacist, your insurance company. Or if you go the barrier route, your corner grocery store, or that cashier at the convenience store with the smirk on his face as you run in the store in the middle of the night. Freedom ain’t cheap and private sure has a lot of random people involved.

When my husband and I participate in our marriage act NO money changes hands 😉 and the only ones who are involved in our private matter are the two of us and God. If in 9 months we get to name the fruit of our private act we will call all of our children ‘a gift from God’ just like our first one, Nathaniel."

😃 Hopefully humor might get them where other ways fail. Good luck on your research. I would love to see the look on your prof’s face when you present it!!
after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
:amen: And an Amen from we GenXer’s who didn’t learn from the Boomer’s mistakes!
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