I’m not married yet, but I just wanted to get a feel on how many Catholics actually follow the teaching against contraception. personally, i will obey the teaching. just curious to see the results! thanks!
Well Jamie your smarter than me. It took an extraordinary amount of grace (with a lot of pain) to make me wake up to what the heresy of contraception is.I’m actually beginning to research contraception and the effects that it has on society for my sociology class (I’m sure the LAST thing on my professor’s agenda is contraception. I’m sure his reaction will be: “Contraception?! We’re talking about social problems here!”).
I know less about the sociological ramifications of contraception than the ethical implications of it. I never had a problem with contraception until recently. I never had even considered that it might be wrong! My mother gave me a couple of condoms when I was around 15 and I thought she had done me a favor. Over the past couple months I’ve become rather fervently opposed to it and have gone on many a rant concerning it.
Now, I’m only 21 and I’m not sexually active, so I can’t begin to understand the difficulties someone experiences who is sexually active. I’m sure that someone accustomed to and perhaps addicted to sexual relations would find it extremely difficult to give up such a “wonderful” invention as birth control. It gives the sexually active person freedom, which I suppose may be a greater incentive than the pleasure itself. Nevertheless, as I see it, all are called to stop using birth control.
Within marriage the question is even more agonizing. I can’t pretend to act like I don’t wish articifical methods of birth control were morally permissible ways of controlling procreation. But unfortunately they are not. I plan on using Natural Family Planning.
It took an extraordinary amount of grace (with a lot of pain) to make me wake up to what the heresy of contraception is.
Once the scales fall off and this heresy is rejected and you understand that all children are a gift from God, you will see just how disordered the world has become.
WOW Annie!!!after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
WOW Annie!!!after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
AMEN!after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
Nothing like a little hyperbole to brighten up the day.after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions…
The problem is, Gary, this is NOT hyperbole. The contracepting mentality is the antithesis of the a properly formed conscience. God is the life-giver. To claim that right for oneself is to deny God. He only allows this because in his infinite justice, He has given us the freedom to choose His will or our own. Contraception IS the greatest LIE–it claims to offer “freedom”, but makes us slaves to our own lack of self-control.Nothing like a little hyperbole to brighten up the day.
So part of my talk as a promoter of NFP addresses the “freedom” aspect of artificial contraception:… It gives the sexually active person freedom, which I suppose may be a greater incentive than the pleasure itself. Nevertheless, as I see it, all are called to stop using birth control.
Within marriage the question is even more agonizing. I can’t pretend to act like I don’t wish articifical methods of birth control were morally permissible ways of controlling procreation. But unfortunately they are not. I plan on using Natural Family Planning.
And an Amen from we GenXer’s who didn’t learn from the Boomer’s mistakes!after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.