Contradictory Religions Can’t All Be True

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this is the bottom line (bold mine)
The most significant difference, I pointed out, is Jesus Christ—who He is and what He did. According to Christianity, Jesus is the God-man who was crucified and rose from the dead. On this claim, the Christian faith stands or falls. Paul was clear on this when he wrote in 1 Corinthians 15, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless.” He then adds that Christians are to be pitied above all men if Jesus is still in the grave.
‘It depends’, as a Christian POTUS once said on ‘what you mean by…’ in this case ‘true’.

Muslims I think believe that the prophet Jesus was the messiah and will come again to judge the living and the dead but is not ‘God’ and what not killed an resurrected by in some way ‘it was made to appear so’.

I don’t have any problems seeing these beliefs as different perspectives on the same ‘truth’.

This statement about the incompatibility of religious belief is also only true if your interpretation of the Bible is largely literal and you do not, for example, consider it a group of flawed histories, memories and myths about (in this case) a real person and his teachings.

There are many forms of Christianity that are compatible with other beliefs. There are some that are not. There are some that despite incompatibility with other beliefs do see them as having some commonality. As I understand it traditional orthodox Catholicism holds that there is a natural instinct to seek out ‘god(s)’ but that there is only one, true, God.

And I can imagine many Christians not believing in a literal resurrection who disagree with Paul. In fact, I know quite a few!
I don’t know that this is all Christianity has to offer, that is, literal eternal life in the presence of G-d. I think a religion based on the primacy of love for all human beings, even one’s enemies, is a really significant feature all by itself. And the striving to be Christ-like in one’s human relationships here on Earth is a truly worthy goal and something other religions can emulate.
Muslims I think believe that the prophet Jesus was the messiah and will come again to judge the living and the dead but is not ‘God’ and what not killed an resurrected by in some way ‘it was made to appear so’.
Jesus is God or He isn’t

either the Muslim or Christian view is right, both can’t be.
I don’t have any problems seeing these beliefs as different perspectives on the same ‘truth’.
If those views are contradictory, then one is “less true” than other or at least they are equally “less true” and hence false.
As I understand it traditional orthodox Catholicism holds that there is a natural instinct to seek out ‘god(s)’ but that there is only one, true, God.
Catholicism holds that there is natural instinct to seek out True God but sometimes people settle for less and invent their own “gods” or something in their place.
I don’t know that this is all Christianity has to offer, that is, literal eternal life in the presence of G-d. I think a religion based on the primacy of love for all human beings, even one’s enemies, is a really significant feature all by itself. And the striving to be Christ-like in one’s human relationships here on Earth is a truly worthy goal and something other religions can emulate.
emulation doesn’t get one to heaven, one must believe Jesus is God (bold mine)
“Jesus said, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me,’” I told her. The pluralist position fails because Jesus cannot be the only way and not be the only way at the same time. He couldn’t have been raised and not raised. He couldn’t be God and not be God. Since these religions teach contradictory things, I concluded, they cannot all be true.
It totally depends on your definition of “truth”, “partial truth”, “good”, “salvific”, “useful”…

Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli have a book i highly recommend for this subject “Handbook of Catholic Apologetics. Chapter 14 does a very extensive job breaking down the subject “Christians and Other Religions” and the different aspects of “truth”.

Jesus is God or He isn’t

either the Muslim or Christian view is right, both can’t be.
As Christians we believe the Christian view is correct, of course, but what is the point of posting this in Non-Catholic Religions?

Non-Catholic Religions subforum is a place for respectfully discussing Non-Catholic Religions, not for us Catholics to go into that subforum and post why the non-Catholics are all wrong.
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AIUI, Christianity says that He is both: “Jesus is God” and “Jesus is man”.
Yes, but “Jesus is man” does not even imply that “Jesus isn’t God”. There is difference between contradictory and opposite statements.
Yes, but “Jesus is man” does not even imply that “Jesus isn’t God”. There is difference between contradictory and opposite statements.
  • God is immortal and so cannot die.
  • Jesus died on the cross.
  • Jesus is God.
Basic logic tells you that those three statements are contradictory. Any two are not contradictory, but all three together are.
Then the Bible is wrong to call God a “living God”, instead it should have called Him a “living and dead God”?
That’s the point. God’s life does not stop with death. That’s why He is and always will be a living God.

(the living God actually)
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That’s the point. God’s life does not stop with death. That’s why He is and always will be a living God.

(the living God actually)
Life not stopping with death is common enough. Any religion with reincarnation, such as Hinduism or Buddhism has that.

If Jesus is God, then the Christian God was dead for three days. i have very rarely, if at all, seen Christians describe their God as a dead God.
If Jesus is God, then the Christian God was dead for three days.
Not at all. As our Lord said, even before Heaven was opened by His death, Abraham and Jacob were all still alive. Souls do not die. Body was dead but God’s divinity does not reside in His body neither is bound by it. God’s human nature was somewhat dead (but not really, because if Abraham did not die neither did our Lord) but His divine nature was not.

You need to understand Christology a bit to make those claims. They were disproved by Ecumenical Councils 1500+ years ago.
Not at all.
Yes at all. Now you are splitting Jesus into two: Jesus-as-God, who did not die on the cross because God cannot die and Jesus-as-man who did die because all men die.

That gives us two different Jesuses, when the claim is that there is only one Jesus.

The Jewish and Islamic approaches to Jesus do not have that problem. In both Jesus was wholly a man, not God.
Non-Catholic Religions subforum is a place for respectfully discussing Non-Catholic Religions, not for us Catholics to go into that subforum and post why the non-Catholics are all wrong.
because it is about non-catholic religions, this is a respectful invitation to review the differing points and determine which is true.

only one can be real

this is the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about.

Is Jesus who He said He was or not!
The Jewish and Islamic approaches to Jesus do not have that problem. In both Jesus was wholly a man, not God.
are they correct? is Jesus just a man?
It totally depends on your definition of “truth”, “partial truth”, “good”, “salvific”, “useful”
it stands on what happened. Did He or Did he not die and come back to life? it can’t be yes and no.

“If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless.”
AIUI, Christianity says that He is both: “Jesus is God” and “Jesus is man”.
yes, but you can’t leave off the God part as other religions do.
. But maybe Jesus Christ is one of several ‘Sons of God’ and there are others equally valid? Like the Buddha, for instance.
Jesus is more than a “Son of God”, He stands apart, He claims He is God. this is the difference and if true, the other religions fail

thank you for the website, a quick review shows each has something that is incompatible with the others, again only one can be true. which one is it?
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