This is my aim here. To find someone who is able and willing to conduct a dialog about some important questions. Two of them are the “problem of evil” and the “existence of hell” (but there are others). The question is how can anyone reconcile these two problems with the existence of the omnimax God.
Hello. Peace and warm regards.
Firstly, I admit, I’m far from an expert. But I have wrestled with these questions;
with heartache and tears for the unearned suffering that children go through.
And in my daily prayers, my heart does ache during the intentions for helpless
unearned suffering children and people.
Anyone in touch with reality and does not put their head in the sand recognizes
evil exists; and tremendous unearned suffering exists. Most avoid thinking about
it for various reasons; but many of good will because it is heart wrenching.
I’m sure you are familiar with points of causality and contingency.
With those arguments; do whatever degree we understand them, we are
obviously here; and each of us had a beginning. And nature & cosmology,
lately even made it more clear that there was a beginning to all we see.
I really do not wish to address the modern ideas on what some call
‘the hard problem,’ of consciousness. We do know that we have consciousness;
but with pure physical sciences; especially with historically, and much more
widely known today; that some people die, even rarely for more than a day;
cold as the ambient environment; with no oxygen to the brain; and survive.
Some have have given detailed descriptions of things like a shoe on a ledge;
or give detailed accounts of what someone was saying in another room or place.
So the preponderance of the evidence is that there is more than what we see.
Where does consciousness come from, seems to be a valid question to help
work at the hard questions of ‘the problem of evil,’ and ‘the existence of hell.’
Inside ‘time,’ it is difficult to conceive of what is outside ‘time’ as we know it.
Where did time, space, and matter come from? This reality exists, and it had
a beginning. The idea of oscillating existence of this reality or realities of realities;
and things of that nature still begs the question; how did it all begin?
The only way to attempt to fathom this; is to think transcendentally to attempt
to fathom beyond physical reality; with a consciousness that by it’s very nature
will ask, ‘what is the source of my existence and consciousness?’
OK. How do we reconcile the idea of an all powerful, all knowing, omni-present
benevolent God? For me, having seen hope and hopelessness; and we all have
an innate hope to find the best way to exist and help others live in peace,
health, and well being — transcendentally speaking; is there a fulfillment
of hope? What virtues help live in hope, and help others live in hope;
to share with others for them to live in hope to give hope to others & so on?
If we describe ‘love,’ as willing the good of the other; then how do we arrive
transcendentally at objective good, in a world that has evil and suffering?
With my natural inclination to hope; I think it is best to start with the premise
of ultimate benevolence.