Not quite that gutsy!!!Are you saying you were sitting there happily wehn he said something that was wwrong and you stood up and announced your departure and walked out? If so, that’s cool. I would love that kind of guts.
Just getting and more upset in the pew (definitely red-under-the-collar) - but walked out fairly fast (no small talk at the door)
Several years before we had been involved with different Charismatic groups -(including some Catholic groups) knowing the people were solid, loving Christians. His message was that certain aspects of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit no longer operated after the last disciple / apostle (John) died - and if some of those gifts were being used, they were from Satan and not from God. (No ‘ands-ifs-or-buts’). Part of this lead to the study of ‘authority’ - by whose authority did this preacher speak and interpret the scriptures? From his seminary professor? From a particular author? On his own authority? Where was the concept (that Catholics would call “Tradition”) of authority going back to the first century? It would be like a priest giving his homily and saying “Abortion and adultery are okay”.