Except that observable and provable science is against it. If it is unimportant to you, that’s fine, but you having seen a few discussions is no proof of geocentrism. The earth rotates on its axis and orbits around the sun every 365 days. The moon orbits earth about once every 30 days…even ancient man knew this.I would also like to add one thing, it is impossible to argue against geo-centricism. I have seen some try, but they fail, it is a vain attempt, but well done for trying, but the bottom line is it is impossible to argue against geo-centricism. There is no argument capable of doing that, and that is because it is a perfectly valid way of explaining the observable universe. Since it is a perfectly valid way of explaining the universe and it fits all the rules of observation, **I don’t see any need to deny it as a valid explanation of the way things work. **It is certainly far more simpler than the Capernican model it involves far less mechanics.
For some reason when someone says “geo-centricism” the response is “so the earth is flat”. Is that an ethical response, or is it just simply a conditioned reflect action?