I have clinical depression, always have on and off.
With all the stress going on, it has gotten really REALLY bad. No need to worry, I am not going to haul off and kill myself, and I am getting help. I do have a lot of stressful things going on in my life right now, but absolutely nothing to merit this despair and angst. That’s what makes it so embarrassing- on a rational level, I know it doesn’t make sense. I’ve got a great family, great husband, great friends, great parish; we own a house and we’re making ends meet despite my lack of a job. I just can’t seem to feel good. The only thing keeping my from laying in bed all day is going to daily Mass each morning.
How can I help my husband cope with my condition? He is worried and angry and resentful. He walks around all evening with his lips pursed, and seems less mad at me when I am acting depressed, and calls me bipolar when I try to be positive or think of something fun for us to do.
With all the stress going on, it has gotten really REALLY bad. No need to worry, I am not going to haul off and kill myself, and I am getting help. I do have a lot of stressful things going on in my life right now, but absolutely nothing to merit this despair and angst. That’s what makes it so embarrassing- on a rational level, I know it doesn’t make sense. I’ve got a great family, great husband, great friends, great parish; we own a house and we’re making ends meet despite my lack of a job. I just can’t seem to feel good. The only thing keeping my from laying in bed all day is going to daily Mass each morning.
How can I help my husband cope with my condition? He is worried and angry and resentful. He walks around all evening with his lips pursed, and seems less mad at me when I am acting depressed, and calls me bipolar when I try to be positive or think of something fun for us to do.