I have clinical depression, always have on and off.
How can you state you have clinical depression if you haven’t been officially diagnosed with it except for being given meds for anxiety as you said in a later post? Are you labeling yourself hence your D?H calling you bipolar…quite cruel and mean!
With all the stress going on, it has gotten really REALLY bad. No need to worry, I am not going to haul off and kill myself, and I am getting help. I do have a lot of stressful things going on in my life right now, but absolutely nothing to merit this despair and angst.
Most people would feel stress with all you have going on and not want to get up and face the world.
That’s what makes it so embarrassing- on a rational level, I know it doesn’t make sense. I’ve got a great family, great husband, great friends, great parish; we own a house and we’re making ends meet despite my lack of a job. I just can’t seem to feel good. The only thing keeping my from laying in bed all day is going to daily Mass each morning.You are being given a gift to be able to go to Mass daily…so many of us can’t! Use it to just let Jesus in the Eucharist take care of you and heal you of all stress. Ask for the Holy Spirit to help you use the gifts you were given.
How can I help my husband cope with my condition? Still not sure this is a “condition” or just a very distressing time for you.
He is worried and angry and resentful. He walks around all evening with his lips pursed, and seems less mad at me when I am acting depressed, and calls me bipolar when I try to be positive or think of something fun for us to do.