If I hadn’t spanked my daughter she would have run into the street/or through a parking lot and gotten seriously injured or killed. No, I’m not sorry I spanked her, it was necessary as no other method kept her from doing so.For the same reason you would not strike an adult. If you strike an adult, it is assault and you could face legal consequences. Why is that different for a child? At least an adult is evenly yoked with another adult when it comes to raising arms. A child is absolutely vulnerable against the hand (hairbrush, belt, switch…) of a grown person.
Grown people only strike children because we can (and because children can be maddening - bringing out the most base feelings of frustration and powerlessness in us). Striking a child teaches the child nothing of good or of God.
I say this all as an older parent who spanked more than once. I have forgiven myself and my children have forgiven me, but If I could have a do-over, I would take it!
My opinion only and I hope it doesn’t sound sanctimonious. I share it more from a lived and learned perspective.