corporal punishment

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For the same reason you would not strike an adult. If you strike an adult, it is assault and you could face legal consequences. Why is that different for a child? At least an adult is evenly yoked with another adult when it comes to raising arms. A child is absolutely vulnerable against the hand (hairbrush, belt, switch…) of a grown person.

Grown people only strike children because we can (and because children can be maddening - bringing out the most base feelings of frustration and powerlessness in us). Striking a child teaches the child nothing of good or of God.

I say this all as an older parent who spanked more than once. I have forgiven myself and my children have forgiven me, but If I could have a do-over, I would take it!

My opinion only and I hope it doesn’t sound sanctimonious. I share it more from a lived and learned perspective.
If I hadn’t spanked my daughter she would have run into the street/or through a parking lot and gotten seriously injured or killed. No, I’m not sorry I spanked her, it was necessary as no other method kept her from doing so.
If I hadn’t spanked my daughter she would have run into the street/or through a parking lot and gotten seriously injured or killed. No, I’m not sorry I spanked her, it was necessary as no other method kept her from doing so.
I was actually sensitive enough to scolding that I didn’t need physical punishment, but my sister probably did. And I was naturally so terrified of streets and passing cars and so on that I was afraid to cross the street by myself for a very long time. Dad knew 100% that when we played outside I’d never go near the road and I’d keep my sister from it, too. 🤷
I was actually sensitive enough to scolding that I didn’t need physical punishment, but my sister probably did. And I was naturally so terrified of streets and passing cars and so on that I was afraid to cross the street by myself for a very long time. Dad knew 100% that when we played outside I’d never go near the road and I’d keep my sister from it, too. 🤷
My middle child was always a parent pleaser, always obeyed the directions rules (except a couple of calculated violations resulting in time-outs). Oldest always believed parents had no authority over her, just obligations to her. Her world, she’s just letting us all live in it. She repeatedly ran into the road after my telling her no and explaining why, then my loudly reaffirming the restriction as she immediately ran into the road again. 'You’re not the boss of me!" and off she went- two whacks to the butt and she ran right up to the curb and put her foot in the air over the pavement glaring at me-- but no more running into the street/into the parking lot.
My middle child was always a parent pleaser, always obeyed the directions rules (except a couple of calculated violations resulting in time-outs). Oldest always believed parents had no authority over her, just obligations to her. Her world, she’s just letting us all live in it. She repeatedly ran into the road after my telling her no and explaining why, then my loudly reaffirming the restriction as she immediately ran into the road again. 'You’re not the boss of me!" and off she went- two whacks to the butt and she ran right up to the curb and put her foot in the air over the pavement glaring at me-- but no more running into the street/into the parking lot.
I was actually the older. Sis three years younger. I was responsible for whatever happened to her, but he never gave me any authority (never told her to listen to me or backed me up) so I would resort to physically dragging her where she needed to be or whatever. 😊 🤷
For 99.99% of human history, kids expected to get whupped, and the vast majority both understood and came out OK.

I firmly believe in spanking, subject of course to all applicable laws. We are to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, full stop.

But if I had children and lived where it was legal, they’d get the paddle. You can’t argue with the word of God.

15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child,
but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.
I have never spanked out of frustration. It is one tool out of many that can be effective with younger children who cannot rationalize. It also has been a staple of parenting since the dawn of time. The pope finds it not only acceptable but encourages it.
I knew one man that spanked dispassionately and with parameters. One man. Just one. I would not discount, based on what I know of you, that you are one such man.

That said, most humans I know do NOT use it as a righteous tool but as an unthinking weapon. It is no way to lead, imho.
If I hadn’t spanked my daughter she would have run into the street/or through a parking lot and gotten seriously injured or killed. No, I’m not sorry I spanked her, it was necessary as no other method kept her from doing so.
I too have stopped children from death in the street. In those instances, spanking was not involved, but I feel your terror about such a situation.
I knew one man that spanked dispassionately and with parameters. One man. Just one. I would not discount, based on what I know of you, that you are one such man.

That said, most humans I know do NOT use it as a righteous tool but as an unthinking weapon. It is no way to lead, imho.
My dad spanked me in a ritualistic and disciplined fashion. I would have to go to my room, reflect, and then he would come and calmly spank me. I even got the whole “this will hurt you more than it hurts me” speech. You should never discipline in anger. My grandma always said “never spank in anger” - to strike a child out of anger is abuse plain and simple.
That being said, I don’t think I could spank my son. My wife says she intends to, but I don’t think I can do it myself. He’s only 8 months right now so it’s a moot point for a while.

To those who say most kids throughout history grew up being hit and turned out fine… Life was cruel for most of history. It still is in much of the world. Men frequently abused their wives verbally and physically. Masters abused their slaves. Lords abused their subjects. History is full of cruel, spiteful people. How many cruel husbands, masters, lords were beaten as kids by their own cruel fathers?
It’s also helpful if the kids know what action carries the corporal punishment.
In our family it’s lying, hurting a sibling, or open defiance of parents.
I guess that’s why my kids don’t lie, hurt eachother, or backtalk. Also, my younger kids have been spanked way less. The impression of watching or knowing a sibling got spanked is powerful too.

A couple of rules I have are that spanking is not my original reaction in anger.
And once the punishment is delivered, it’s over. That was the punishment. I make sure after that the child knows it’s over and most times the child wishes to be held or comforted. Which is perfectly fine with me.

Age is a factor too. My ten year old is too big to spank. She can be reasoned with. And while an infant is too young to spank. There is really a small window in my family where spanking is effective. Afterward the threat of hell if confession is not had at the earliest possible time seems to work! You know you are Catholic when your kid says, I was mean to my brother dad, can we go to confession this afternoon?
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