A couple of things here. With regards to Occam’s Razor, you are right that it was originally formulated with respect to the economy of entities. However, I think the modern usage of the Razor is formulated by choosing the hypothesis with the least complexity, if all hypotheses have equal explanatory power. The addition of un-necessary entities seems to imply an un-necessary increase in complexity. In any case, if we take the original formulation of the Razor we run into issues defining the term “entity”.
Hmmm. It appears – correct me if I’m wrong – that you are thinking of “entities” in terms of
cardinality – the number of instances of a type of object. Let me suggest that by “entities”, you might consider the word “types”, the different
kinds of actors which must be accounted for
As an example, if we see a large pile of seeds go missing from the barn floor, we are not working right against parsimony to suppose that perhaps
dozens of mice collaborated in spiriting away the pile of seeds than we are in suggesting that just one “Fleeder”, an animal we’ve never heard of, but is sufficiently large to eat the whole pile in one swipe, was responsible.
The “Fleeder” hypothesis is problematic in terms of parsimony, much more so than the “mice” hypothesis, even though we are only introducing a single new actor in the Fleeder hypothesis. This is because the Fleeder represents an *ontological *complication, rather than just multiple instances of types of entities that are everywhere in evidence (we an see mice darting around in the background even as we discuss this in the barn).
Mapping that back to the cosmic landscape versus God hypotheses, the cosmic landscape idea instantiates copies of a type we are already aware of – the “universe”. The God hypothesis is not like that, but is introducing new
types of entities a “God type”, which, as it happens is the mother-of-all-alien-types – inscrutable, ineffable, intractable, intangible.
I think to claim that the multi-verse just multiplies existing entities is a bit of a stretch. Not only does it involve the addition of multiple universes, it also must introduce some mechanism of universe generation, which certainly isn’t simply another entity which can be found in this universe.
Perhaps it will help to point out that the “mechanism” proposed is a universe just like ours, just as a “container” for ours. By extension, this model supposes that a black hole may serve as a “container” for “daughter universes”, meaning we are the “container” universe for someone else’s reality.
That’s important as it works against your complaint, making the universe a kind of “fractal” construct, where the parent universe and child universe(s) are of the same
type, ontologically, in the same way a curve on a fractal plot is self similar when zoomed in 10x, or 1000x, or 1,000,000,000,000x. If you can wrap your head around the idea of the universe as a ‘recursive structure’, and given what I’ve read from you I think that should not be a problem, then this objection is removed by observing that the “mechanism” for universe generation is just another universe.
instances are multiplied, but the
types are not.
In any case, if we are going to stretch the identity of these other entities that far, we can also stretch the existing entities “person” to include a meta-person, God. To expand a little bit more, we can say that there are persons who can independently change and alter matter by act of will in this universe, so we can postulate another meta-person, in kind, i.e. God.
Per above, this would only hold if “God” was a “universe”, ontologically self-same with our universe. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that some people subscribed to that view, as a kind of panentheistic take on “God”, but I’d be surprised to hear that from a practicing Catholic.
As you have it, the “Creator” could not be more different in terms of type (ontology) than His creation. This is not self-similar fractal reproduction at work, but a
personal deity create a work product. That you would have to postulate this “meta-person” is precisely what William of Ockham (the principle he had seized on) was looking to
avoid. This is
still true, and if anything,
more true today, then it was back in Bill O’s day.
continued in a subsequent post…