The kind of Occam’s Razor formulation that I was considering as “modern” is probably a less formal type. For instance, I was thinking something along the lines of Richard Swinburne’s “definition” or formulation of the Razor:Are you thinking of a modern example where cardinality is considered more a threat to parsimony than multiplication of types? I can’t think of any. I won’t say it doesn’t happen, but it’s foreign to my experience if it is used that way. Can you think of an example?
Such a definition doesn’t seem to inherently include concerns regarding cardinality and multiplication of types. Rather it seems to be aiming at a more intuitive understanding of complexity or simplicity. However, marrying this with a formal tool such as K-Complexity was probably a blunder on my part! (see below)“…other things being equal – the simplest hypothesis proposed as an explanation of phenomena is more likely to be the true one than is any other available hypothesis, that its predictions are more likely to be true than those of any other available hypothesis, and that it is an ultimate a priori epistemic principle that simplicity is evidence for truth”
Ok, yes I understand your issue now. I was mis-interpreting the formality required by K-Complexity. I was attempting to use the principle behind K-Complexity to measure the complexity of the explanation or hypothesis by the amount of information it contained, not the complexity required to reproduce that which the explanation or hypothesis was attempting to explain (i.e. the universe). Thanks for picking this up.Allright, we have a problem at this point. Kolmogorov Complexity has no idea how to measure such a description — “how a life friendly universe could come about”. Maybe you are thinking of another form of formal description? This leaves me scratching my head. But you can bank on this (go Google it if you’re dubious): K-Complexity is the measure of the shortest program needed to perfectly recreate the a universe at any given “snapshot” in time (and yes, that’s problematic itself, as there is no such thing as “instantaneous” across space that would make sense of the word “snapshot”). Your concern with describing “how” and “why” represent important questions, but are totally unrelated to Kolmogorov complexity.
I won’t address the rest of your comments because I think the problem with my K-Complexity approach has now been identified. It probably is too formal a tool for the use I was looking for. Anyway, I look forward to any additional comments you may have.