Here is another example: I contend that a piece of rock in my garden is alive. It eats, excretes, moves, grows, reproduces, conducts conversations with its peers. We cannot observe it directly, because its life span is about 70 million years, so one split second of its life equals our whole life. Can you prove me wrong?
No, i cant, but, you could also say that animals are not dumb, and that they simply speak a different language, that we cant understand.
Where science is practical in it excluding everything, that doesnt represent a “natural cause” it can also lead to the ignorant assumption that everything in nature is the result of something natural( A trend that has to end).
You have to use you reasoning capabilitys also, rather then just science. Becuase the disipline of science will allways lead you in to natural causes for nature, becuase people have pre-assumed that everything on the planet earth is a natural phenominon.
And once you begin to make up ignorant explanations for what could possibly be supernatural in nature, “science” in its
pre-assumed ignorance can become a soul destroying contradiction to reality.
Scientific reaserch alone, is like sola scriptura. Its not fool proof, It hasn’t Got a foundation, it is working its way to its foundation. And at some point, it will lead you astray regardless of the truth you have unearthed in using such disiplines.
Im not saying that one can prove the supernatural, but you can be reasonable in your thinking, and realise that there is a dimension beyound the physical reality, that nature in actual fact points to. Regardless of whether or not it can be proven scientifically, It can be proven reasonably.
Where as when you look at the nature of animals, there is nothing to say that they are anything like us in matters of are awareness, therefore its not reasonable to believe they have confesations and express them selfs like we do. You have to close your eyes to not see it.