Could enyone please tell me what show to avoid?

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Yeah i really whould like to know what whould be good whu s catholic avoid certain shows because some shows can affect faith of course not everyone s the same each person has diffrend wiev how they see things and observe

yet i whould like to know what whould be good catholic things for movie and for tv series good to watch and not to watch

could you add something like list good for catholic and bad for catholic in order i whould aprishiate that

also i whould recommend same thing for people on this site to be carefull what enyone watch because i my self had struggles with things but now i have some tough that makes me immune to certain shows i wonder if that s holy spirit since i am now repented and see my faith with diffrend way

Of course i dont mean to force enyone dont watch everyone entitled to his opinion but i whould really like to understand what i am saying because so many movies and tv series is practicing disqasting stuff like homosexuality,transgenderism and other stuff which before did bother but watch but now i am in the middle

example married with children is that show bad for catholic?
is home improvement better and safe instead?
there s some tv series like Glee,freinds,sex and city and other stuff may be seen as good but in really its deep very deep wolf in sheep clothing angel of light
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Entertainment, be it TV or radio or books or movies, is going to contain content that depicts sinful things.

If a show or a movie or a book causes you to struggle or to be tempted to sin, put it away.

What tempts me would be different that what tempts you.
In addition to what Little Lady said, part of being a mature Catholic is developing your conscience so you know when a show has sinful content or is an occasion of sin for you, without needing someone to tell you.
If a program is too violent, too provocative, too over the top, it probably should be avoided.
If there needs to been violence, some provocative things, etc. in the midst of telling a story that is one thing, but it is just violence etc. for the sake of shock factor, switch to another program.
It is easy for me, but it may very well be difficult for you. I gave up all media except Catholic radio and Catholic YouTube videos. No TV,no radio, no newspapers, no magazines, no social media.

The choice is now easy. I am much happier than ever before. A drastic change? Yes!

And worth it.
example married with children is that show bad for catholic?
is home improvement better and safe instead?
there s some tv series like Glee,freinds,sex and city and other stuff may be seen as good but in really its deep very deep wolf in sheep clothing angel of light
Do you realize that you are lost in the early 2000s and even further back into the 1990s?

Are you not interested in current TV shows, or do you only enjoy watching “MeTV” and other vintage channels? That’s OK–it just makes a difference in what we recommend.
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I suspect the poster may not be in the U.S. It could mean that where he or she lives, these are the shows that are broadcasted.
Thats great idea yournamehere thanks for advice
and can you please tell me what if there s alot swear words and used vain words about our lord then best to stay away change program again?
I understand peeps i wonder if you ever heared of verse matthew [
Matthew 7:1-3 its perfect one
Allright thanks thelittlelady even so that i had no problem with much enything yet its still best to not watch even if it dont tempt me?

and true yeah each person diffrend wiev things so its hard to tell what tempts each one
Just the opposite. If the show does not cause you to sin, or keep you from doing important things (for instance, you do not to to work so you can stay home and watch TV), entertainment is fine.
My dear freind tis bearself lets cheer each other and help each other in humble way understand be very very hospitable what do you think?
That makes sense but you know what just bothers me Thelittlelady its that i canoot stand some things in tv shows since i repented from previus way its just my mind tells me aka coincance how disqasting this is for example movies where was promoting

transgerism gender switch movie and tv show with tarot cards and yoga and other stuff just makes me puke i know it s hard to understand but i feel like totaly new person today thinking alot of things how i lived before but that doesnt mean i dont sturggle still

I just hope that you to will understand my dear freind i wish you the best to be carefull and everyone else that we live our faith and help each other in humble way may our lord bless you all the best for everyone on this site
In addition to what Little Lady said, part of being a mature Catholic is developing your conscience so you know when a show has sinful content or is an occasion of sin for you, without needing someone to tell you.
Just remember that not everyone here is a cradle Catholic.
There are recent converts, such as myself, who are just recently developing a conscience from a Catholic perspective and what you take as obvious due to your upbringing or otherwise extensive exposure to the faith, others struggle with.
I understand peeps i wonder if you ever heared of verse matthew [
Matthew 7:1-3 its perfect one
I’m not judging you, sebo3e. I’m only wondering why all the shows you list were on television in the 1990s and early 2000s, over 20 years ago, and why you didn’t list any current show (e.g., American Ninja Warrior). And I said, “That’s OK.” I didn’t condemn you for your preference in older TV shows. I like older TV Shows and spend much of my time on Me-TV and other vintage networks.

If you do not live in the United States, then that’s probably the reason, as QwertyGirl pointed out.

If you don’t understand American English enough to understand when someone is just asking a question and when someone is “judging you,” I suggest that you avoid most American TV shows, as there is a lot of innuendo that you might have a hard time understanding. Again, I’m not “judging you,” I’m just answering your question–don’t watch any American TV if you don’t speak fluent English and if you have no one to help you understand what is being said by the characters on the show.
Just remember that not everyone here is a cradle Catholic.
There are recent converts, such as myself, who are just recently developing a conscience from a Catholic perspective and what you take as obvious due to your upbringing or otherwise extensive exposure to the faith, others struggle with.
I don’t see how what I said is any different for new converts. They also need to work on developing their consciences. They cannot expect someone else to just do all the work of determining what’s moral for them, and hand them a list.
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Just remember that not everyone here is a cradle Catholic.
There are recent converts, such as myself, who are just recently developing a conscience from a Catholic perspective and what you take as obvious due to your upbringing or otherwise extensive exposure to the faith, others struggle with.
I don’t see how what I said is any different for new converts. They also need to work on developing their consciences. They cannot expect someone else to just do all the work of determining what’s moral for them, and hand them a list.
A better way of thinking of it is Catholics with less experience developing their consciences asking Catholics with more experience for advice.
A better way of thinking of it is Catholics with less experience developing their consciences asking Catholics with more experience for advice.
Yes, I understand, but “asking for advice” is along the lines of:

“How do I determine what movies and TV shows are acceptable for a Catholic to watch?” This has been answered in the thread.

Asking, “Which shows should I watch?” or “Is it okay for me to watch this particular movie?” is very hard to answer. There are people out there for whom very innocent movies are an occasion of sin. There are other people out there, perhaps those who are doing scholarly studies on film, who can watch films that are very immoral for their scholarly purposes, and not fall into sin because of that. There is also widespread personal disagreement between Catholics as to what constitutes an acceptable show and a “bad show”. I personally thought “Married with Children” was a funny show. I’m sure there are other Catholics who found it offensive.

We cannot, as I said, make a list with “good shows” and “bad shows” on it and hand it to the person. In the past, some Catholic watchdog groups tried to do this, and there are still websites out there where some groups try to do this, if someone really feels they cannot rely on their own adult judgment.

Most adults, even those who do not practice any religion, have an internal sense of when a movie is gratuitously sexual or violent and when it does not feel right for them to be looking at such a movie, because it seems gross or exploitative or they just don’t like it. It’s not like becoming a Catholic means you have to start from the viewpoint of a 3-year-old child who doesn’t know anything and learn it all from scratch. Common sense goes a long way.
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I’m not Catholic, but I would think there would be some overlap in our beliefs on this topic, so take my opinion for whatever you think it’s worth.

Outlander is a great show. But there are some scenes in it that are nothing less than softcore porn.

I found this out the hard way when my mother, neither of us realizing it had graphic sex scenes, asked me to watch it with her.

It was…um, awkward.
I watch Outlander with my 40 yo daughter. We love it. The good sexy sex is between married people and the bad sex is shown as bad. It is pretty graphic in what it shows and I would never recommend it to someone struggling with lust issues or scruples. For those that are comfortable with the sex scenes, it’s probably just fine.

The problem is no one can know how another will react to scenes like this. Each person has to determine their own level of comfort and maturity and avoid these shows until they know!
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