Yes, but what I was saying was…If there was absolutely no way, even after trying everything possible, that the little girl would for certainty die if the baby (at possibly an early stage of development) was not removed from her, what should happen? Should the little girl just be let to die, in which case the baby would die along with her? I’m afraid it just doesn’t make sense to me. They will both die, in this case. Please, please, please, there must be something justifiable in all of this.
In Catholic Morality, intent is key.
You are using an example of a 9 year old girl being pregnant due to rape.
First, the fact that she is pregnant means that her body is ready (at least on the inside). However, if she was still small, she would most likely be similar to a midget giving birth, or a mother giving birth to multiple babies at once. Perhaps she would need a c-section or deliver 4-6 weeks early.
Now back to intent. If the baby dies as a result of attempting to keep the mother alive, which results in the baby’s unintended death, that is not abortion.
When the mother’ slice is in danger, it is acceptable to do everything possible to save both the mother and child, and if the child dies as an unintended consequence, then it is sad but morally ok. Same if only the mother’s life is in danger, if a health unborn baby unintentionally dies as a result of attempting to save the mother’s life, it’s morally ok.
What’s no ok, is simply aborting as a precaution, or intentionally killing the baby to save mom.
Doctors are sworn to cause no harm. Morally, they must do everything in their power to save both. Just like the doctors would never deliberately kill mom in order to save baby, they must not deliberately kill baby.
Plus, there are too many instances where doctors told moms that they (or baby) would never survive until baby was full term; yet mom and baby both lived.
Today, because of malpractice insurance, many doctors are quick to recommend abortion (even calling it something else) when there is a chance for mom to have complications, even when those changes are under 50%.
Plus those tests are not always accurate… My wife’s friend was told by the doctors that their daughter had a 70% chance of being born with Downs Syndrome. The doctor suggestion terminating the pregnancy. My wife’s friend decided to have the baby, and she was totally fine, and is actually very intelligent. The test was wrong.
How many abortions happen in the country today because doctors over sell the dangers to the mother or because of false positive test results?
Point is: there is no morally just reason for ever deliberately killing a baby. However it is morally neutral (though very sad) if baby unintentionally dies as a result of ACTIVELY attempting to save mom’s life. But not by “saving mom’s life” when mom isn’t actively in danger at that moment in time.