The problem with the question is the question itself. When Saint Luke says that nothing is impossible for God he was speaking about human limitation and not trying to construct silly illogical puzzles for fools. Hebrews chapter 6 states for instance that lying is impossible for God.
God is all good. God does not create evil as evil is what is there when there is no good. Persons other than God choose a choice that is not good, but God cannot do that.
God cannot make a four sided triangle or create a rock that He could not lift. These are illogical and nonstatements no matter how much the fool thinks they are being clever. It is only clever to the ignorant who have not given serious thought to the question.
The person who will kill an unborn child should repent and ask forgiveness to God for the act of murder. To blame God for the act is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and cut themselves off from forgiveness because they blame the very person they need to ask for forgiveness.
There are no absolute truths …Oh except my statement about there being no absolute truths. You could spend hours and hours coming up with nonsense God does not have to suffer for our sophomoric philosophical games.
And by the way God is existence, and by that there was never a point in time where He came into existence; therefore, it is impossible for God in the Triune Godhead to die.
He did die on the cross not to confuse you, but that is the term we use when the soul is separated from the body and not to say He was not existing.
God is all good. God does not create evil as evil is what is there when there is no good. Persons other than God choose a choice that is not good, but God cannot do that.
God cannot make a four sided triangle or create a rock that He could not lift. These are illogical and nonstatements no matter how much the fool thinks they are being clever. It is only clever to the ignorant who have not given serious thought to the question.
The person who will kill an unborn child should repent and ask forgiveness to God for the act of murder. To blame God for the act is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and cut themselves off from forgiveness because they blame the very person they need to ask for forgiveness.
There are no absolute truths …Oh except my statement about there being no absolute truths. You could spend hours and hours coming up with nonsense God does not have to suffer for our sophomoric philosophical games.
And by the way God is existence, and by that there was never a point in time where He came into existence; therefore, it is impossible for God in the Triune Godhead to die.
He did die on the cross not to confuse you, but that is the term we use when the soul is separated from the body and not to say He was not existing.