When something is undone or unsatisfied then pride and jealousy overcome. Everything is matter of time. So fall of angels was unavoidable hence all blame is on shoulder of God unless if the story is a lame.It is not necessary for you to read the entire document, only if you want to. I pointed out that section because I thought that would respond to what you were thinking.
Here is the best way that I can explain…perhaps others with more correct education can explain better.
The rebellious angels were given a vast intelligence which enabled them to see at a glance the consequences of their choice. The angels rebelled against God through the sin of Pride, and Jealousy.
They had free will.
All the good and beauty that they had came from God! They chose not to serve Him and acknowledge that with humility.
P.S. Perhaps you can pray for understanding and read #5 again? I pray all good for you.