Does it make sense that they too are saved, but by a Savior from a planet they’ve never heard of? Is that fair to them?
Everything that God does is fair and just and good and holy.Does it make sense that they too are saved, but by a Savior from a planet they’ve never heard of? Is that fair to them?
I failed to make my point clearly. I don’t doubt anything you said. I wonder if it’s fair for US to assume that if there is life on some planet across the universe, that they are saved because of Jesus. Would God not give them their own example of his love and eternal salvation?Everything that God does is fair and just and good and holy.
I’ve thought about this too. I suspect that if there is another fallen species, then Christ’s single sacrifice would work for them as well. Whether God would handle this in the way you describe, or by revealing salvation in some other way, is hard to say. But this would be along the lines of saying that, in spiritual matters, such a species and humanity are essentially the same. If not, then if God did the same thing over there as He did here, then the Son would have (at least) 3 natures - which I’m not sure is consistent with Catholicism. Or, I suppose, He could just handle them in a completely different way.I failed to make my point clearly. I don’t doubt anything you said. I wonder if it’s fair for US to assume that if there is life on some planet across the universe, that they are saved because of Jesus. Would God not give them their own example of his love and eternal salvation?
Edit- Jesus could be the Savior on another planet too, but manifested perhaps there as he was here. Maybe I just answered my own question. As in, the Second Person of the trinity is the savior. Here on earth we knew him as a poor Jewish carpenter. who knows what he would be elsewhere?
catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0506301.htmDoes it make sense that they too are saved, but by a Savior from a planet they’ve never heard of? Is that fair to them?
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.I doubt there is anything out in space.Scientists have been beaming signals out there for decades and no response.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0506301.htm
This article on CatholicNews.com mentions a book, “Intelligent Life in the Universe? Catholic Belief and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life”. You may find both interesting.![]()
I tend to agree that there isn’t much else out there, but I am excited by the idea. But who needs aliens when we have plenty of people on our own planet that are from outer-space themselves! HeheJesus is the only begotten Son of God.I doubt there is anything out in space.Scientists have been beaming signals out there for decades and no response.
Haha I remember those people from the 70s! We all had our heads up in the clouds.lol.I tend to agree that there isn’t much else out there, but I am excited by the idea. But who needs aliens when we have plenty of people on our own planet that are from outer-space themselves! Hehe![]()
Be careful with this word “manifested.”Edit- Jesus could be the Savior on another planet too, but manifested perhaps there as he was here. Maybe I just answered my own question. As in, the Second Person of the trinity is the savior.
I was thinking also that our likeness to God is in our ability to love and forgive.Our possessing a body and a spiritual soul, our ability to engage in rational thought, and our ability to make decisions are key components of our human nature. Insofar as an alien should share in these qualities, they would be human. These qualities, in fact, would be a direct result of their having been created in God’s image.
If God wanted he could make Superman a real person. But the angels and saints are the real life super heroes with God-given super powers.Almighty G*d is Omnipotent and Omniscient. Being all powerful and all knowing, He can do anything anywhere He pleases at any time!
By definition, He can even make science fiction a reality if He wants to.
Not three natures. One nature is divine and the other is a composite of soul and body.If not, then if God did the same thing over there as He did here, then the Son would have (at least) 3 natures - which I’m not sure is consistent with Catholicism.