Could Hell be Cold?

  • Thread starter Thread starter HabemusFrancis
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It is foolishness to go by the literal meaning of the verses in this matter and presume that there is fire,worm,gnashing of teeth etc. in hell.These are obviously mentioned only to mean that there will be extreme punishment,dirty conditions and absence of love in hell.Some points in this regard:
1.The type of suffering in hell is absolutely unimaginable to human beings who are accustomed only to the type of suffering here.
2. Though, we believe in 'resurrection of the body ’ ,Christ’s resurrected body even bore the marks of the wounds,Mary is believed to have gone to heaven in the earthly body etc. ,it is clear that the resurrected body will not have any resemblance to our earthly body (skin,bone,flesh,lungs ,blood,stomach etc. )
2.However there will be sensation and feeling so as to see God and enjoy the happiness in heaven or to feel suffering and despair in hell.
3.Even a child knows that worm and fire can’t coexist . Clear that they are mentioned only symbolically. Otherwise we have to presume that either the worms are of a special type capable of withstanding high temperature or the fire is so mild as not to harm even worms (which we know are more sensitive to heat than humans).
4.It is taught that the biggest suffering in hell is the feeling that one is eternally away from God.This is disputable because only those who rejects God willingly, go to hell.Why should they suddenly feel an affinity to God on reaching hell and feel depair that they are missing God?

In short my advice is that don’t think much about the type of punishment in hell .It is a great secret and much ,much beyond human intelligence. There is a ray of hope in this thinking.Just as we presume that Jesus will show his infinite mercy to good people of other religions also and will not send them for etrnal punishment in hell , he may show mercy to bad people as well.They may not be cast into the lake of fire for eternal period for the mistake committed during a very short period of stay in the world.To put it in plain words fire ,worms,gnashing of teeth etc.were used only to frighten them and to be good
people .Since the Israel people were not accustomed to biting cold and extreme suffering due to cold, it did not find a place as a means of inflecting suffering in hell. Only commonly known frightening agents name mentioned, that’s all.
Though, we believe in 'resurrection of the body '
,Christ’s resurrected body even bore the marks of the wounds,Mary is believed to have gone to heaven in the earthly body etc. ,
it is clear that the resurrected body will not have any resemblance to our earthly body (skin,bone,flesh,lungs ,blood,stomach etc. )
:ehh: :confused:
What makes you say so??

Christ’s resurrected body, in addition to bearing the marks of the passion, clearly was skin, bone, flesh, lungs, blood*, and stomach.

(* I’ve no direct evidence of blood, but I infer it from the importance placed on the comingling of the elements in the sacrifice of the Mass)

Easy ! Stomach- digestion-food-cultivation or blood- lungs-kedney-urine- waste .Unthinkable in heaven or hell.Body will survive in hell?That is why there can’t be any resemblance to our earthly body.But as I said do not worry about this now.
Easy ! Stomach- digestion-food-cultivation or blood- lungs-kedney-urine- waste .Unthinkable in heaven or hell.Body will survive in hell?That is why there can’t be any resemblance to our earthly body.But as I said do not worry about this now.

That is not the teaching of the Church.
203. What is meant by the “resurrection of the body”?
This means that the definitive state of man will not be one in which his spiritual soul is separated from his body. Even our mortal bodies will one day come to life again.
204. What is the relationship between the Resurrection of Christ and our resurrection?
Just as Christ is truly risen from the dead and now lives forever, so he himself will raise everyone on the last day with an incorruptible body: “Those who have done good will rise to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation” (John 5:29).
205. What happens to our body and our soul after death?
After death, which is the separation of the body and the soul, the body becomes corrupt while the soul, which is immortal, goes to meet the judgment of God and awaits its reunion with the body when it will rise transformed at the time of the return of the Lord. How the resurrection of the body will come about exceeds the possibilities of our imagination and understanding.
Church teaching only say that our body will come to life again.But whether it will be exactly like the earler body is not said.So there is no harm in believing that the resurrected body will not have any resemblance to the earthly body.Moreover believing otherwise will lead to absurd conclusions as already mentioned.
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