Could the Pope place a President Biden under personal interdict?

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Greetings (name removed by moderator)!

It seems as though you are arguing, by this logic, that those you are arguing with on this thread must not be Catholic. Is that your position?

I also am having a hard time understanding how the Church’s response to a politician makes people want to leave the Church, thus distancing themselves from the Real Presence.
I’m not planning on leaving the Church. Where else would I go?

But I am definitely not feeling comfortable with the Church’s people, as they are no doubt feeling the same way about me.

I don’t trust them.
You don’t at least trust the 50 percent of the “Church’s people” who are crying and having spiritual struggles over President Trump not winning the election?

Whichever way this election went, half the “Church’s people” were going to be miserable. It’s a lesson from God that we should not get so hung up on leaders that we cause division among ourselves over this.
Because the Catholic Church is the One True Church, founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Baptist denomination is a loose assembly of baptized people with no sacraments aside from baptism and matrimony (assuming they intend to do what the Church does, facere quod ecclesia facit), an incomplete Bible, and a highly imperfect understanding of Christian doctrine.

I have wondered myself whether every baptized Christian is, indeed, a Catholic in imperfect union with the Church. If so, whatever denominations they assemble themselves into, to pray and to listen to what of God’s Word they may have retained, are beside the point. These assemblies have no status whatsoever in the Eyes of God, though He surely knows His own and knows the sincerity of their hearts.
You don’t at least trust the 50 percent of the “Church’s people” who are crying and having spiritual struggles over President Trump not winning the election?

Whichever way this election went, half the “Church’s people” were going to be miserable. It’s a lesson from God that we should not get so hung up on leaders that we cause division among ourselves over this.
I voted for Trump, wasn’t crazy about it, but I did it, and I’m not miserable. Right now I am pondering what can only be called mixed feelings. And I will relate a horrible thought I had a few days after I cast my mail ballot — “whose finger would you rather see on the button?”.

I would hope that if Trump loses his mind and his reason in the next almost-three months, someone would intervene, per the 25th Amendment, and possibly arrange for Pence to be interim acting president (or even President in his own right). I supported Trump solely because of his pro-life stance (and, to an extent, his 2nd Amendment support), but I was no blind follower or partisan. I am acutely aware that he is far from an ideal President.
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Well you did say-

So now im confused. Are the people you are arguing with on this thread holding to the Catholic faith or are they not? Is it possible they are just bad or poorly catechized Catholics?

Even if he is excommunicated, he is still Catholic. He’s just forbidden from partaking in any sacraments other than confession, and then only if he plans to renounce whatever position got him excommunicated. In some instances special permission from Rome would be required to grant absolution, but it would be granted if the penitent were judged sincere. It’s exactly the same as being in mortal sin, just a more formal recognition of that fact.
It doesn’t, but if one is baptized Catholic, he/she remains Catholic.
This is great! It also increases the tragedy of some (Catholic) lives.
Hopefully they will return to the faith.

John 8
47 He that is of God, heareth the words of God. Therefore you hear them not, because you are not of God.
Ok one last question please-

What is your understanding of the difference of [c]atholic vs [C]atholic and how does your understanding fit within the argument on this thread that once someone is baptized with the indelible mark (either catholic or Catholic) the mark is not as indelible as the word suggests?

I am sure that Pope Francis is looking forward to working with President Biden.
Probably. I have the impressiom that Pope Francis does not like Trump, and is not particularly favorable to the U.S.
Are you saying that the Italian prime minister is pro-choice?
Conte? Yes. He is the leader of a center left and leftist coalition party.

Abortion is legal in Italy since 1978, it is free (i.e. tax funded), and Conte’s health minister just approved RU486 on an outpatient basis a few months ago.
Highly unlikely, given the small minority of bishops who are even willing to enforce Canon 915 against the likes of President-elect Biden.
Yes, if you go “by the book”, Biden should not be receiving communion already. But a bishop who is willing to enforce Canon 915 is as rare as a unicorn these days. A priest who takes it upon himself to deny anyone communion for whatever reason is putting his future as a priest at risk at best, and risking getting carted off to a mental institution at worst.
An honest question here: If a Catholic uses contraception, would that prevent him or her from communion? If so, I assume that if they confessed to it, but still continued to use it, then they would still be banned.

Without looking it up, I think the numbers who use contraception are quite high (likewise those who do not support banning abortion in all cases).
he has changed his mind on the matter several times over the years, so that could reveal that he adheres to ‘social-wave morality’ in that he’ll do what is popular (or at least, what will get him support). The other thing is that various states have
OR, that could reveal that he has the ability to take in new information and integrate it with former understanding of a matter. It could indicate a man with critical thinking skills, without a runaway ego, and lacking the pride to insist he’s never wrong. I don’t believe what I believed 10, 20+ years ago–if I did, I wouldn’t be Catholic today.
Maybe it just me but im confused. I was trying to ask for clarification of the [c] vs [C] catholic. I haven’t seen where you clarify. Like i say, im sure its just me.

Correct. And part of the problem is that the leaders don’t enforce it.

And they have no ground to enforce it on one and then publicly support the other.

Then I don’t get the call for Biden to be prevented from taking communion when there are a relatively large percentage of people in the same position (with regard to contraception) who aren’t. Notwithstanding that some who are calling for Biden not to be allowed to take communion might well be some of those who are using contraception anyway.
Matthew 18: 20.
Agreed, and I thought of this when making my comments (“two or more… gathered in My Name”). I do not begrudge followers of Jesus Christ, of any stripe, assembling together and praying, and seeking His Will. However, Our Lord wishes all men to worship Him in His One True Catholic Church. Many who profess His Name will never absorb this and make it their own. It is a great mystery how the Holy Spirit can come among Christians, yet not “bring them all the way home” to the Catholic Faith and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. That is why we must evangelize ceaselessly, and “stand in the gap” that, again, as a great mystery, Almighty God allows to exist. Perhaps He is counting on us to be His instruments in this, rather than revealing it to them in some grand illumination.
An honest question here: If a Catholic uses contraception, would that prevent him or her from communion? If so, I assume that if they confessed to it, but still continued to use it, then they would still be banned.

Without looking it up, I think the numbers who use contraception are quite high (likewise those who do not support banning abortion in all cases).
It does indeed prevent a Catholic from receiving communion. Just got to tell it like it is — in the objective order, when a Catholic uses contraception, yet receives communion, he eats and drinks his own damnation. Scripture warns us of this possibility when we receive unworthily. Contraception is a mortal sin, given the three traditional conditions that have to exist for any mortal sin.

Priests need to be reminding people of this from the pulpit and in the confessional, time and again. This is the 800-pound gorilla in the room that nobody wants to talk about.
We have explained dozens of times on this forum that a person baptized Catholic is a Catholic, even if they reject their faith later in life.
^ this. Anyone saying otherwise is WRONG.

Baptism leaves an indelible mark. That is Catholicism 101. Period.
Then I don’t get the call for Biden to be prevented from taking communion when there are a relatively large percentage of people in the same position (with regard to contraception) who aren’t. Notwithstanding that some who are calling for Biden not to be allowed to take communion might well be some of those who are using contraception anyway.
Abortion is murder, and contraception is not. Big difference.

But you are right, contraceptors shouldn’t be receiving communion either. I would have far more respect for them, if they would admit “I don’t trust God enough, or love Him enough, to surrender this portion of my life to His providence, rather, I want what I want in the here and now, I’m not willing to make that kind of sacrifice, I have to do this to preserve my lifestyle (and possibly even my relationship with my spouse), and this is more important to me, than doing what God wants me to do, but I will not further dishonor Him by receiving His Body and Blood unworthily, I pray I will live long enough one day to make things right with God, may He preserve me until then, and have mercy on my soul”.
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