They are solidly Catholic.
Most of these songs, if used at Mass at all, are done as a post-communion meditation or at a Mass that teens frequent. Believe it or not, we Parish Music Director do tailor what we play to the demographics of the various Masses. We have a “garage band” of older men that play at the 5 PM Mass where most of the elders of our parish attend. They play really old 60’s hymns, songs of their own composition (when I permit it, which is not often) and their rendition of even the classic hymns is a bit, well, different. The people love it. I try to get them to use proper musicianship, appropriate instrumentation and am trying to teach them to read music. That way they can use the hymnals more. They don’t like to take direction, but the new pastor told them either copperate and temper their music or go. They have elected to work with us.
The two Spanish Masses use Mexican Catholic music that they find online or bring from home or other contries like Pureto Rico or Nicaragua. It’s mostly very reverent, and sometimes pretty joyful. They submit things to me prior to using them so I can check the lyrics. The 830 AM Mass, lots of families. They like the four line, 4 stanza older hymns in the book, the classics. I have a cantor accompanying himself that leads that Mass.
The 11 AM Mass is where my large adult choir sings. We sing hymns from the hymnal, chant the Responsorial psalm using an OCP or a GIA resource, and we always do an SATB post-mediation piece. Always checking for Catholicity in lyrics. I just started a Children’s Choir and we will likely be doing some of the Contemporary Catholic things, but honestly, some of it is just too hard for them. They need very straightforward stuff.
This is why I believe people don’t “get” or “like” contemporary things that HAVE been written for the Mass.
The rythmns are not accessible sometimes, and also, unless you have a fine cantor or a group of very talented singers, they are hard to pull off. Natural artisits like Audrey Assad have the benefit of a studio and great backup. Catholic churches luck out as to what the talent level of their volunteers is. As the paid Director, I have to balance their ABILITY with the validity of its use, and faithfulness to Catholic teaching. Unpaid volunteers don’t have the time or luxury of researching and finding just the right things for Mass. They just don’t and wishing they would go away is not helpful either. Parish have to support the music ministry and encourage appropriate selections and fine presentation. They go hand in hand . My very best singer could put Josh Groban to shame, but he has taken a job at Catholic University for 2 years. So we won’t be doing anything with a huge tenor solo until he gets back. That’s just the way it is.