Blimey, too much here to reply to! Looks like much of what I’d say has been covered by Phil and Vindex.
Just a couple of points though. It’s been said that non-theists are spiritually bereft. Well that’s dihydrogen monoxide off an anadid’s dorsal side to me. But it bothers me that those who are therefore spiritually superior may think their superiority gives their scientific claims any more weight.
Science stands or falls by the evidence, not by the beliefs of those supplying the evidence.
I’m not accusing anyone in particular of this; it’s just something to keep in mind.
And following on from that, I’d just like to remind everyone that an awful lot of scientists are theists. Not being spiritually bereft, maybe their evidence carries more weight? Or at least cannot be so easily dismissed or ignored?
If anyone is serious enough about this to go to a library (I know what it’s like, fire off replies, maybe follow a link, maybe even read the link (more likely skim it)… but go away and read?! But nevertheless…
) then you might like to look out one or two from theist and geologist Keith Miller’s Annotated Science/Faith Bibliography.
Miller also has a variety of pages online, including The Precambrian to Cambrian Fossil Record and Transitional Forms and Taxonomy, Transitional Forms, and the Fossil Record. Please at least skim them
, especially the latter.
Bear in mind that Miller, as a member of the American Scientific Affiliation, would seem to have no trouble agreeing with their statement We Believe in Creation.
And finally, Vindex… great posts, but could you slip in a few more paragraph breaks please? My attention span is tested by long chunks of text!
(More to the point, people tend not to read thoroughly every word… splitting it up makes people have to see more of one’s text (I hope!))
Just a couple of points though. It’s been said that non-theists are spiritually bereft. Well that’s dihydrogen monoxide off an anadid’s dorsal side to me. But it bothers me that those who are therefore spiritually superior may think their superiority gives their scientific claims any more weight.
Science stands or falls by the evidence, not by the beliefs of those supplying the evidence.
I’m not accusing anyone in particular of this; it’s just something to keep in mind.
And following on from that, I’d just like to remind everyone that an awful lot of scientists are theists. Not being spiritually bereft, maybe their evidence carries more weight? Or at least cannot be so easily dismissed or ignored?
If anyone is serious enough about this to go to a library (I know what it’s like, fire off replies, maybe follow a link, maybe even read the link (more likely skim it)… but go away and read?! But nevertheless…

Miller also has a variety of pages online, including The Precambrian to Cambrian Fossil Record and Transitional Forms and Taxonomy, Transitional Forms, and the Fossil Record. Please at least skim them

Bear in mind that Miller, as a member of the American Scientific Affiliation, would seem to have no trouble agreeing with their statement We Believe in Creation.
And finally, Vindex… great posts, but could you slip in a few more paragraph breaks please? My attention span is tested by long chunks of text!
(More to the point, people tend not to read thoroughly every word… splitting it up makes people have to see more of one’s text (I hope!))