Oolon Colluphid:
No kidding but please demonstrate how matter managed to do this of its own accord. Please tell me what the mechanism was that caused the upward change in matter. How did the litany of complex biological processes come about? How, for example did photosynthesis come into existence? Henry Morris, in The Troubled Waters of Evolution elaborates:The universe as a whole is gaining entropy; nowhere does the 2LoT say that entropy cannot be reversed locally.
Oolon Colluphid:It is not sufficient to say, as the evolutionist does, that the Sun’s energy is great enough to maintain the process of evolution. The essential and unanswered question is: “How does the Sun’s energy maintain the process of evolution? What is the specific mechanism of ‘evolutionary photosynthesis’ that converts solar energy into the transformation of particles into atoms, then into molecules and stars and galaxies, complex molecules into replicating molecules, simple cells into metazoan life, marine invertebrates into reptiles and birds and men, unthinking chemicals into conscious intelligence and abstract reasoning?”
There are apparent exceptions which run counter to the process of entropy, but in fact, for every real process the net entropy of the universe (a system plus its surroundings) must always increase. The chemical reactions proceeding in cells do so by way of entropic laws. But by its intrinsic automation, a living entity perfects itself internally. It takes in food and breaks it down into its simplest components, then builds it up to a higher order of being, to make its structural proteins, fats, bones, etc. The decay tendency is suspended for an operation, unique to things containing program machinery or during the operation of intelligence. Yet the net entropy of the organism and its surroundings still increases. All living things die, and then proceed to decay (excepting Jesus, Mary, Elijah, and Enoch). The second law tendency is thus fully expressed because the matter is no longer living.If the 2LoT does apply as you claim, disallowing “upward change”, please explain how you managed to ‘upwardly change’ from a single cell to the trillion-celled, highly organised (sic) and complex critter you are?
When viewed against the general reality of increasing entropy, this suspension for a time of this second law can be seen as a temporary aberration which is unique to living things. So how do living organisms manage to seemingly swim upstream for a time? It must have to do with the program machinery- the information contained within living organisms that allow them to temporarily overcome this decay tendency. Such information is never observed to arrive spontaneously from raw matter, thus, it had to arrive initially from mind, and be imposed on the matter. Living things, of course, subsequent to the original creation, have been able to pass this information to their descendants by the means of the complex preprogrammed means of reproduction.