See post 589.
Gulls are animals, chimpanzees are animals. Gulls cannot reproduce with chimpanzees, so by your definition “animal” is a category which “goes beyond the bounds of reproductive relatedness”. Ditto ant, primate, fish, shark, mollusc, octopus and a great many other useful scientific and vernacular classifications of organisms. I find your point here overly restrictive.
I was referring to the scientific taxons like genera and primate,not to traditional names like fish and animal. The traditional names have to do with what creatures are,not just what characteristics they have in common with other creatures. The scientific taxon lend themselves to reductio ad absurdam. You could invent a word that covers all species that have chromosomes and say that they are all related.
But when the appearance is backed up by DNA and other scientific data it does mean something. Scientists have been refining their classifications since Linnaeus in the 18th century. Those classifications represent an immense amount of work by many people.
The DNA evidence and fossil evidence just shows “common characteristics” between creatures,not that they are historically related by reproductive events. Common characteristics between species do not prove common descent.
You sometimes use “kind” to mean a single species, you sometimes use “kind” to refer to a larger grouping of different species that cannot all interbreed.
Yes – the word “kind” can refer to a “biological concept” species or a sub-species. And biologists use the word “species” in the same ways. There is a macro level and micro levels of the term “species”,because reproductive isolation between groups is one reality,and reproductive isolation within a group is another.
That distinction makes a huge difference.
I pay attention to the different levels of meaning of the word species,but apologists for macro-evolution do not.
You are laughably wrong. There are many different spcies of ants which cannot breed with each other. Mammals can only breed with mammals but that does not mean that any mammal can breed with any other mammal. Lions cannot breed with Kangaroos, elephants cannot breed with armadillos. “Ant” is no more of a species than “mammal”. You are very, very wrong here.
This is an example of what I was just talking about. You say that there are many species of ants that cannot breed with each other.
Those are sub-species of ants,and they are not totally incapable of breeding with all other sub-species of ants.
You should have considered the fact that no ants in general cannot reproduce with anything but ants. So that means ants as a whole are a species unto themselves.
There is a very real difference. All gulls within a single species can breed with each other. All gulls within a single Family cannot breed with eath other. Kittiwakes cannot breed with Herring Gulls. Kittiwakes can breed with Kittiwakes; Herring Gulls can breed with Herring Gulls. Species is a group all of whose members can interbreed.
You can’t say “all of whose members can interbreed”. The inability of some members of a group to interbreed does not mean those members are a distinct species.
On the other hand,coyotes and wolves can interbreed and have healthy offspring,but they are considered different species.
The higher taxons include members who cannot interbreed. Your failure to recognise this is weakening your arguments.
The higher taxons have only to do with common characteristics between species. They are categories of false relations.
It is you who are misusing the word. Above you referred to ants as a kind/species yet there are many different species of ants that cannot breed with each other.
And ants cannot breed with anything but ants.