- That may be ‘all one has to do’, but no one has done it. If such evidence is found, there is no question that the scientific community will assess it. Unfounded and unsupportable claims are not evidence…
No one has ever shown any weaknesses in evolutionary theory? Perhaps it was just an oversight on your part but I never saw any response from you whatsoever on these posts that I just got started with …
I think that’s pretty easy to simply observe how often evolutionary theory has changed in radical ways and how its “facts” have been proven false. Apparently, you’ve never seen this happen in the history of Darwinian thought. For you, it seems, evolution has always been 2+2=4, and this is impossible to challenge or doubt.
So when it was claimed as a fact that evolution occurs only by slow, gradual changes, that was a “fact”. Then Stephen J. Gould claimed that evolution occurs rapidly after periods of stasis. So, 2+2 was challenged and Gould said that actually 2+3=4. There was then a debate between gradualists and punctualists. Now they’re saying that evolution happens by both means.
But apparently, you find no weakness in the theory. Additionally, I imagine, you will assert that “now” the theory is right (although it was wrong in the past). We are not permitted to question if there is something more than punctuated equilibrium or that Gould’s idea is completely wrong (has any one explained how or why evolution supposedly created a large number of species in a short period of time and then created nothing thereafter to the present day?). But when this theory is challenged and proven wrong, as has happened previously – we are not permitted to say that the arrogant scientists who claimed that they had “facts” are not worthy of trust, and that the authorities and experts were completely wrong in the past.
Again, you’re apparently claiming that there is nil evidence to suggest that today’s version of evolution is incorrect.
- You are taking that out of context. Firstly, the Holy See has no authority, God-given or otherwise, to rule on matters outside the realm of faith and morals, though, like anyone else, it can certainly state its opinions - on anything at all.
Given the fact that evolutionary philosophy touches on faith and morals, then the Holy See has full authority to warn and command the faithful – has it has done. We are taught by the Magisterium that several theories of evolution are “incompatible with the Catholic Faith”.
You have claimed that there is “nil” evidence against evolution. This conflicts with what the Magisterium has taught.
Secondly, the condemnation referred specifically to claims couched in the language of atheism. The principles of modern biology, of which the evolution of species is the cornerstone, make no such assertion.
That’s an interesting philosophical opinion. It cannot be proven scientifically, and it cannot even be supported by the text. The Holy See did not use the phrase “couched in the language of atheism” – that is your addition.
You know that I have made no such claim, and your dishonesty in implying that I have simply denegrates your own position further.
My position was that you claimed that there was “nil” evidence against “evolution”. Apparently, you’re now denying that you made that claim? I could quote you your own post, but perhaps you’ve changed your mind. I merely pointed out that since, as the Magisterium has taught (although you appear to deny that text) that there are “several theories of evolution”. I can’t find any other conclusion than to accept that you think that there is no evidence against all of those theories – even the contradictory ones.
You’ve offered no other clarification except to say that I am “dishonest”. I can’t see how that’s a very strong position at all.
If you are so convinced that your position has merit, submit your assertions to the scientific community for review. If you are unwilling to do so, then give solid reasons, not empty rhetoric, why you are right and science is wrong, and let the reader make his/her choice.
Seems fair to me
Most of what I have learned and what I post (I can’t claim to be original) on this topic already comes from “the scientific community”. I see significant evidence to show that ID theory is gaining more acceptance (I posted the Oxford Conference notes earlier). I find that there are some groundbreaking books coming from the ID world.
Here’s a peer-reviewed, scientific publication written by a molecular biologist and a software engineer of The Biologic Institute, an Intelligent Design organization.
While Intelligent Design theory (the teleological argument) is as old as Western Civilization itself, there are some very new advances being made. The Stylus program mentioned above is a good example. It will take time for that to show results.