It is what was taught in the elementary (St. Jude the Apostle parachial school, Atlanta GA) and high school (Marist School, Atlanta GA) that I went to.
If you find the site, please share! I would be very interested. This theory sounds similar to that of Gerald Schroeder, who wrote The Science of God. He provides a very interesting and compelling argument that the universe is 16 billion years old AND the 6 days of creation in Genesis is literally true. He provides a Biblically compatible explanation of macro-evolution, as well.By Story: A number of years ago, after moving from link to link to link, I ran across a site that explained evolution and creation could go hand in hand.
**Nothing + noone x chance = everything**.
Evolution has a formula? Are you stating that this formula or indeed any other is an underlying nomological statement of evolution? Quelle surprise! I have studied evolution for years and never seen anything of the sort, but, I allow the possibility that you have a more thorough command of the pertinent literaure than do I. Thus, if you could specify where such a formula as that, which you offered above, is advanced as an underlying facet of evolutionary theory, I would be most appreciative. Furthermore, I was wondering exactly what you meant by “everything” as the end product of your evolutionary formula. Last I knew, the goals of evolutionary biology (i.e., that which it seeks to model) were fairly limited and quite explicitly restricted to the diversity of life and the origin of morphological novelties. Is this formula a function? If so, would it be too much to ask you to graph it as such and elaborate which type of function it is?If anyone has read this far, here are two quick points that should be contemplated until you reach the obvious conclusion–they are both absurd:
Nothing + noone x chance = everything.
- The formula for evolution is as follows:
Given infinite time, a room of chimpanzees with a typewriter will correctly type out all the works of Shakespeare in order, and, in every possible language.
- Since all evolutionary theory is based on the principal of random mutations and chance in an infinite time scenario, the following will also occur:
Charles, Evolution is an attempt to explain our existence through random material cause and effects, i.e. strict naturalism. This is why evolutionists proposed material mechanisms like time, chance and mutations rather than supernatural or intelligently guided forces beyond nature to explain the origin of life. The design and complexity of the natural world - has the “appearance” of design (intelligently planned construction) but this is an illusion according to them. Evolution theory is an attempt to explain nature’s design without a designer (i.e. God). The bottom line is that you can’t mix the two. I recommend Philip Johnsons book, “Defeating Darwin by Opening Minds.” It a great introduction to this topic. ftrbooks.net/science/darwin/defeating_darwinism.htmI support the macro-evolution theory to the extent that it does not preclude God the creator of all, including in a special way the creation of mankind.
We just went through this in the post immediately prior to your own. I refer you back to there.Charles, Evolution is an attempt to explain our existence through random material cause and effects, i.e. strict naturalism.
Time is materialistic? How exactly? Moreover, science has not dismissed a priori the existence of any intelligent design to the universe, but merely pointed out that while possible, there is no evidence for any such intelligent design. You make in this post much reference to the “intelligent design” of nature, and yet you never explicitly define the criteria by which one diagnoses what an intelligent design is. You also overlook multiple, often glaring, examples of poor and/or bizarre design that seem difficult to reconcile with the principle you have elaborated in the post to which mine is addressed. For example, might you care to provide a coherent ID explanation for diastataxy? The distribution of organisms capable of synthesizing cellulase vis-a-vis the distribution of celluose? The “wiring” of the pectoral musculature in Aves? The aerobic capacity of reptilian lungs in relation to their size? The retention of alulas in Rhea? The retention of a vestigial right oviduct in most neornithine birds? Autapomorphic autopodioum morphogenesis in some lepidosaurs and Theropoda? The retention of vestigial common carotid arteries in *Bucorvus *and Rhopodytes? The vestigial distal head of M. extensor longus digiti majoris in *Cladorhynchus *and Phoenicopteridae? The presence of a vestigial M. flexor hallucis brevis in birds in which the hallux is greatly reduced or absent (e.g., Phoenicopteridae and Cladorhynchus, of the above example)? And so on, and so forth. Can you present a coherent ID explanation for so much as one of these discordant data?This is why evolutionists proposed material mechanisms like time, chance and mutations rather than supernatural or intelligently guided forces beyond nature to explain the origin of life.
This is not why “evolutionists” (who are really just scientists) propose onlly material causes for evolutionary theory. It’s just that only material causes can be adequately defined, explained, and explored via the scientific method. This is the realm in which science operates. Accusing science of having some sort of “material bias” makes as much sense as accusing religion of having a “spiritiual bias”.Charles, Evolution is an attempt to explain our existence through random material cause and effects, i.e. strict naturalism. This is why evolutionists proposed material mechanisms like time, chance and mutations rather than supernatural or intelligently guided forces beyond nature to explain the origin of life.
What?! You must not have read my posts.If anyone has read this far, here are two quick points that should be contemplated until you reach the obvious conclusion–they are both absurd:
Given infinite time, a room of chimpanzees with a typewriter will correctly type out all the works of Shakespeare in order, and, in every possible language.
- The formula for evolution is as follows:
Code:**Nothing + noone x chance = everything**.
- Since all evolutionary theory is based on the principal of random mutations and chance in an infinite time scenario, the following will also occur:
And to a young-earth creationist, the natural world has the “appearance” of geological history and evolving life forms, but this is an illusion according to them.The design and complexity of the natural world - has the “appearance” of design (intelligently planned construction) but this is an illusion according to them.
The mechanism of Darwin’s theory is an attempt to explain nature’s design without God. This mechanism is purely random mutations and then subsequent natural selection. Many scientists find this a convenient way of explaining the world without God. But it is the mechanism that is faulty in the popular theory, not the fact that species evolved.Evolution theory is an attempt to explain nature’s design without a designer (i.e. God). The bottom line is that you can’t mix the two.
No, it is not.Darwin’s evolutionary theory is as you state “the principal of random mutations and chance in an infinite time scenario”]
Who should be the interpreter - the Magisterium or us personally?I beleive in inerrant Scripture. But “inerrant” does not mean literal word-for-word translation, if the author’s style and purpose were allegorical or literary.
Therefore, I do not accept the interpretations of Genesis that some “literal” intepreters accept. I believe within the proper interpretation of the creation story, there is room for something like evolution, just like there is room for the earth to circle the sun and other findings about God’s creation that the disciplines of scientific investigation have allowed us to understand over time.
Therefore, I can have my Faith, and my science too.