Evolutionists are guilty of much improper analysis of data. The scientific method is actually rather limited in its scope. It is a discipline that can only deal with activities and observations that are both measureable and repeatable.So evolution is just guesswork? I don’t think you have much respect for modern biology and geology, then? It doesn’t hurt to try to reconcile the Bible and Catholic theology with what we know from science. You young-earth guys need to stay away from the creationist literature and study some real science. Phil P
Since we were not around to observe creation as it unfolded no one can know for sure exactly how it happened nor can they classify as “scientific” stories about how they think it may have happened.
Unless an evolutionist can personally cause a life form to come into existence out of nothing, or even pre-existent non-living chemicals, and then cause it to evolve into various species through mutation and natural selection he has no scientific basis to support his philosophical story about the origin of life.