Hello Socali,Okay based on what you said, please forgive me but here is the problem that I am still having understanding evolution as fact vs. theory.
Newton and gravity: He happpened to make some observations about falling objects, did some experiments, came up with some ideas based on those observations, described those ideas precisely with mathematics, those ideas + mathematical description = gravity. So gravity is a man-made framework or concept that is functional up to a point in this universe (the perhillion shift of mercury for example) Gravity is considered fact or law in so far it predicts the phenomena in its framework. Would you agree with this foundation so far? Please correct me if need be.
I am afraid that I disagree with you somewhat. The fact of gravity does not depend on observations of it, interpretations of phenomena based on it or ideas about its underlying mechanism. The fact of the phenomenon of gravity predated the existence of humans and their hypotheses. Gravity was needed to create the conditions for the condensing of galaxies, the formation of the sun and the earth, earth’s orbit and ultimately the emergence of humans. Without gravity none of this would have happened.
Now, Newton put forward a theory, Newton’s theory of gravity, that all objects in the universe attract all other objects, with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres of mass in a Euclidean space. This happens to decribe what we observe very closely but not perfectly. Several subtle phenomena, such as the precession of Mercury’s perihelion, time dilation and the deflection of the path of light by a massive object measured in Euclidean space are described more accurately by GR, based on a non-Euclidean, for example, Riemann metric. Today, very sensitive measurements are being made to see if gravity departs ever so little from the inverse square law as such departures can give us information about hidden dimensions.
Darwin developed a scientific hypothesis to explain the diversity of species. Interestingly, in ‘The Origin of Species’ the word ‘evolution’ does not appear once. Not once, so far as I can see. Not many people know that!** Darwin and evolution:** Someone interested in plants and animals, takes a boat ride along the H.M.S. Beagle and comes up with a way to explain the variation in the different phenomena he observes such as lizards and finches. He has a great idea based on observations that other biologists would agree with. He calls this way to describe variation, evolution, but does not use mathematics to describe its mechanism.
To be continued…