Crucifixes in your house

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I have one in my living room and one in each of the kid’s rooms.
One large and life-like on the living room wall so that bywalking through the front door it is of immediate notice. I find that my DH’s friends act more respectful in our home since it’s sort of in their face when they walk in.

Also, one on the hall bathroom wall in case anyone missed the one in the living room. 😃
We have one above our bed, one is the dining room and one in my office. Our goal is to have at least one in each room.
One next to the front door
One with the Marian shrine
One in our bedroom
One above each of the kids’ beds (4)
One in the kitchen

Eight all together.
Ditto on all those (only three children though), except the Marian Shrine, which we do not have–althought one crucifix is above a beautiful picture of the Chapel of San Chapelle in our front room.
Have to say I do not like the idea of using a smilie to pin to a cross???

Anyway, I have placed one in each bedroom (3) the study(1) and the living room (1) and one on the Holy Water font at the front door. I have a box load too ready to give out.

They were selling beautiful wooden ones in Fatima for 0.10c each!! I bought loads with the intention of distributing them.

Still have them all!
The interesting thing about it is that I haven’t bought a crucifix in over 12 years. All of the crucifixes in our house were gifts.

Edit: the crucifix that accompanies the family Marian shrine is a very old crucifix, the kind that used to be placed at the back of the high altar for Tridentine Masses. I’ve had it since college, but I’m not sure how I came by it.
Funny, after I mentioned that I didn’t have any in my place, my mother and I went to a Christian store and I didn’t even think about getting one…but my mom went ahead and got me a small one! I was amazed! So yes, now I can say I do have one. It’s kinda above my bed hanging on the wall!
We have one crucifux in our home. It is a crucifix that I have had since I was a baby.

It was actually a baptismal gift for my older sister and it was hung above her crib. However, after I was born (three years later), the bedrooms were rearranged and I ended up in the room with the crucifix along with my older brother. I remained in that bedroom until about age ten when my older brother moved out of the house. The crucifix then moved along with me to my new bedroom upstairs.

Ten years later I moved out of the house and into my older sister’s house. I took the crucifix with me. It was at that time that my sister told me that the crucifix was actually hers. She and I agreed that I could keep it since I had had it for twenty years now anyway.

After I got married I took the crucifix with me into our new home. I am now thirty-three years old and have had that crucifix with me my entire life and has been in every bedroom that I have called my own.

Reflecting on Christ’s suffering and what he has done for us has meant a lot for me over the years and am thankful for that.
I have a beautiful wooden St. Benedict’s Crucifix with bronze accents, medal, and Jesus…it is beautiful…I have it hanging on the wall at the head of my bed…ooh, that rhymed 🙂 I also have a standing crucifix that I do my prayers in front of.
I only have one Crucifix in my bedroom but I have a number of Crosses throughout my house.
i have several in my house, i feel your house is not a christian home without them, the fact that visitors can see them can help me bear witness to christ
I have 5:

One above my front door
one on a table between two Icons of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart.
A foot high brass altar one betwwen two Statues of Christ(Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy) on my prayer altar.

A luminous (glow in the dark) on my living room wall
the last one is in my kitchen above the door frame
One very realistic 18 in one in the living room above pictures of the sacred heart of Jesus and immaculate heart of Mary pictures. One 4 in glow in the dark one in my daughters bedroom. (She also has a Precious Moments cross - a gift from my MIL.) A “resurrected” Jesus cross in the bedroom - a gift from my husband’s sponsor when he came into the church. Also in the bedroom a ceramic cross with Jesus’ picture in the center.

A 2 in St Benedict’s cross (on a cord) on the wall next to our bed - a gift from my Pentecostal MIL this Christmas. My husband and I each recieved one, and she gave one to each of my parents too. She even had them blessed by a Catholic priest - that was a big surprise.

I also have a cross with praying hands in the center that belonged to my husband’s recently deceased grandmother hanging in our kitchen.
I don’t have any but I do have my rosary on the wall above my bed. It works the same i think!
I’ve lost count. We are extremely fortunate to have representatives from the Holy Lands come to our church and sell their Olive wood and Mother of Pearl crucifixes and other items. The proceeds help them in the Holy Lands. Any time a purchase helps a worthy cause, I can’t help myself.

It’s called Bethlehem Crafts, and you can email them at [email][/email] or call 314-921-5325
I plan on getting some, but right now my budget will not allow it. I may have one in my storage unit, but can not find it. When I strayed from the church, I lost track of where it was. 😦
We have crosses in the hallways and in the bedrooms and one in the kitchen next to the table: this one we see daily, we are a homeschooling family and it directs our focus towards developing the talents God gave each of us.
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