Ours are in the bedrooms above the doors.
The smileys on the crosses make me a bit uneasy too
The smileys on the crosses make me a bit uneasy too
Here are some VERY reasonably priced crucifixes if your interested.I plan on getting some, but right now my budget will not allow it. I may have one in my storage unit, but can not find it. When I strayed from the church, I lost track of where it was.
And exactly how do these statements pertain to how many crucifixes one has?I see that it is no use arguing with the common day Catholic. You rely on your own righteousness to get you into Heaven. You believe your deeds surpass the deeds credited to you when you receive Christ’s righteousness by faith. Paul calls it a false gospel that isn’t a gospel at all. That was his whole letter to the Eph.
I know now my blunt statement will get deleted as well as my account, but the word of God will never see decay! It is clear faith alone saves without any effort of man, everything else derives from faith including works. I hope God will bless you and you will except the gospel and also have a place in eternity. Until then you are damned to the eternal flames of Hell.
Sola gratia, sola Christo, sola fide, and sola Scriptura equals Soli Deo Gloria!
By grace alone through Christ alone by faith alone, and also Scripture alone as authority will equal all the Glory to Him alone! God fulfils His purpose for the vessels of mercy and the vessels of destruction without fail. May you be a vessel of mercy and except His sacrifice on the cross and through faith alone be saved.
God bless you all.