Sometimes we have to read with a Catholic Filter. Study your catechism. Know what the Catholic Church teaches and let that be your filter in what you read.
You should not have to use a “filter” in reading Catholic journalism.
I hope nobody will take this in any negative sense. It’s just a question that should be taken at face value.
I agree with you that everyone should be judged on their past. If you can describe your past to me as a truly orthodox Catholic, I will certainly take your claim with great seriousness! Thanks in anticipation.
I am going to give you a straight answer to your question.
Deep in my heart of hearts, I have always known that a Catholic must be faithful to the magisterium in all things, giving both external and internal assent to her teachings. If I have ever tried to persuade myself that the magisterium does not have to be followed, it was only because her teachings, if accepted and followed, threatened to make my life more difficult, and I wanted to have an easy life —
“do not make me drink of this cup”. I refer to contraception, but not
just contraception — there were other issues. Finally I surrendered and was at last able to lie down and go to sleep at night without fearing I would lose my soul for refusing to listen to Christ’s Vicar.
I cannot think that I am the only person in God’s One True Church who has ever experienced such discomfort and cognitive dissonance.
If I had ever been a
public dissident — which I was not — I would have indeed had the duty to repudiate my errors publicly. I am going to give Mr Allen the benefit of the doubt and assume that, in spite of having written for the
National Catholic Reporter, he himself never wrote or spoke contrary to the magisterium. He is a journalist, and it is his task to report the news fairly and truthfully, nothing more. He’s not an apologist. Nonetheless, given that the NCR has a history of being less than totally faithful to the magisterium, and people are going to associate him in their minds with NCR, he needs to do something to reassure his readers that CruxNow is a totally orthodox Catholic news source, and I have not seen that happening, hence my original question.
I detect a certain amount of exasperation in your question to me, so I am not going to engage in further point-counterpoint. You asked a question, and I have answered it.