
Let me ask you something. Do you think our behavior should be guided by how it might affect society and other people? Your statements above seem to indicate a “yes” answer. If so, why should you care what happens to society, to other people, especially since you can commit many forms of evil against others without being caught? In the absence of punishment, would you still not kill, like, steal, etc.? The golden rule is not logical to apply (in the absence of earthly punishment) unless you believe in human dignity and/or you believe in eternal punishment.Pardon me, but one needs not to be smart to come up with the ten commandments. If we leave out the “whom and how to worship what diety”-part of the commandments, as they do not impose morals, any egoistic human capable of thinking can come up with:
- Fighting/dishonor parents is bad - (My parents cared for me, and I don’t want to be kicked out of my house by my own.)
- Stealing is bad - (I want to keep my property.)
- Murder is bad - (I want to live.)
- Lieing is bad - (Society doesn’t work without communication, and I want to be sure others tell me the truth.)
- Coveting is bad, it leads to stealing - (see above)
- No holidays are bad - (If I do not refrain from working once in a while, life’s not much fun.)